JS Run

Simple and lightweight application for Javascript coding and code execution.

JS Run - Lightweight JavaScript Coding App

"JS Run" is a simple and lightweight Android application for JavaScript coding and code execution. It offers features such as code execution/termination, syntax highlighting, line numbering, dark/light themes, file save/open capabilities, code sharing, auto-closing paired symbols, personalization, and modified file status indication. Note that modern JavaScript feature support depends on your mobile OS version. Enjoy a streamlined coding experience on your mobile device!
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App stats

Downloads: 725,024
Rating: 4.03
Version: (Last updated: 2021-06-23)
Creation date: 2016-04-21
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • No ads and no paid version
  • Saves and loads files easily
  • Dark mode availability
  • Allows for automatic bracket and semicolon insertion
  • Simple and effective for practicing JavaScript
  • Inaccurate error logging line numbers
  • Copy-paste menu is hard to see in dark mode
  • Line wrapping is problematic and line numbers shift
  • No undo/redo functionality
  • No search and replace feature
Most mentioned
  • Dark mode issues with visibility of menus
  • Error line numbering inaccuracies
  • Desire for more modern JavaScript features including async functions
  • Lack of auto save and quick access save button
  • Scrolling issues with the keyboard
User reviews
this app is much nicer compared to other online js playgrounds, mostly because you can save the files. i like the dark theme of it too. but i have one suggestion: add the "save" button as an icon to the right of "run" button. thar way I don't have to go to menu, fike and save. also, an auto save would be nice. and also modern syntax highlighting (eg in "+=", it highlights "=" but not "+", even though it runs normally afterwards)
by Andrei Cebotari, 2025-01-18

This app is abit irritating. Firstly, keywords in comments are highlighted, and secondly, the error logging is inaccurate on which line it is, and finally, it doesn't use modern JavaScript syntax. Hell, it doesn't even have asynchronous functions, plus, for some strange reason, creating & function & then trying to execute it doesn't work. It says "[Function Name] is not defined". Please fix this...
by Shadow Kitty, 2024-10-03
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