Reviews of NB|AZ Mobile Banking

List of user reviews and ratings for NB|AZ Mobile Banking

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 2,425)

Review summary

  • Great bank and staff support
  • Easy to navigate and use
  • Functional app with many features
  • Frequent login issues with OTP and email verification requirements
  • App crashes often and is slow
  • User interface is confusing and not user-friendly
Most mentioned
  • Inconsistent performance and crashes
  • Difficulties with the recent update and required security codes
  • Issues with transaction visibility and details
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for NB|AZ Mobile Banking on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.67
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44% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
John Wion
Shouldn't have to enter an OTP every time I login to the app and select "Remember this device". Makes the app useless, I can login on my computer fine but the app always wants OTP regardless. It used to only do it once a week, but now every use.
Minecrafter 0003
Great bank, easy to work with
Donna Robinson
Not a good experience, never know if it's going to work or not. The password hasn't changed. Very frustrating.
Bromby Newby2
Very helpful and welcoming staff. Great experience. I'm very happy.
Randall Fox
Great app when it works. Won't load pages sometimes in 4G. 5G usually works good.
very easy to navigate and use
Dawn Bishop
I hate this update I have to get a security code through my email to log in. It's a waste of time, put it back the way it was. This app sucks.
justin aronoff
This is a terrible app im think about changing banks because its so bad won't open half the time always slow.
Marla Kiriakidis
I don't like not being able to see the due date for my credit card in the app. Now, it logs me into a different site for that information now.
Charlie Perine
The app is fully functional, but has always been fairly slow and the UI isn't the most intuitive. Biggest problem is that the most recent update has ruined the UI entirely and makes it much much more difficult to sort through transactions because they are represented by ID numbers until you click on an individual one to see the full name
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