PlainsCapital Business Mobile

Start banking wherever you are with PlainsCapital Business Mobile!

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4.17 (Rating count: 118)
See reviews for PlainsCapital Business Mobile on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.17
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Date Author Rating Comment
Michael Zarei
Lots of bugs. Checks sometimes don't go through, although it shows it has been deposited. Very low security app. Very limited app. I wouldn't give it a single star if I had an option to choose zero.
David Castillo
So easy to use
Stan Martin
Works great! No issues!
Lee Lanford
Still kinda clunky. Too many extra steps for making a mobile deposit. Biometrics for this frequently quits working, or you still have to input password to access, which defeats the purpose of the biometrics.
Freddie Reinwald
Absolute worst financial institution I have dealt with in 35 years of owning multiple businesses
John McCormick
Even though I have fingerprint ID on this app requires me to sign in about every other time. Also, the check deposit is the least friendly that I have ever used. Making me go through all the screen for each check and no auto focus check capture
James Adams
There was an update at some point that broke fingerprint logon. Worse than that, it forgets all the logon information after a few days. Plains Capital has a useless random number company ID that I don't have memorized, so I have to go look that up everytime the app forgets my credentials. Extremely inconvenient.
Michael Dreef
It's annoying that I often have to re-enter my credentials, and fingerprint sign in doesn't even work.
Lucia R
Secure fast and easy to use
jennifer housos
Super tired of my saved sign on info being erased and ne having to go find my group number and username out of the blue. Annoying!
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