Peoples Bank (WA)

Start banking wherever you are with Peoples Bank (WA) for Android!

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 374)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and secure
  • Functional and straightforward
  • Helpful for making instant changes to purchases
  • Efficient for basic banking tasks
  • Has improved in terms of reliability over time
  • Frequent authentication issues requiring password entry instead of fingerprint
  • Bugs and glitches causing connectivity problems
  • Inability to view account details without logging in online
  • Poor customer service hours leading to accessibility issues
  • App requires frequent reinstalling to function properly
Most mentioned
  • Fingerprint login not working consistently
  • Slow app performance and bugs
  • Need for better functionality and features like viewing upcoming expenses
  • Overall dissatisfaction with app reliability and support services
  • Chronic issues with authentication processes leading to frustration
See reviews for Peoples Bank (WA) on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.56
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Rating filters

5 star
23% (7)
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10% (3)
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20% (6)
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47% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Andrew Carroll
This app has been temperamental at times but always helpful. I'm grateful that it's gotten a lot less temperamental.
Bill Perry
Easy to use, is secure, and makes banking a breeze.
Linda Melton
Simple, clear, and always had worked great for me.
Eclipsed Moon (Eclipse)
It's quite effective at what it does, and fairly easy to figure out.
Sharon Haun
It won't update, just says loading but doesn't finnish
Rebecka Duperron
I luv how u can make instant changes for special purchases and then immediachaset back... !!!! PEOPLES UR ABSTOELUTELY FANTABULOUS
Richard Hammer
Super easy and fast.
Fernando L
Very good and fast efficient direct to the point like that 😁
Gayle Staker
I am leaving this bank for BECU. There are hardly any locations, the hours of customer service are so limited, their fees are much higher. Do better.
Ryan Henken
Not that great but eventually gets the job done. It's really slow and I have biometrics se up but it still always makes me enter my password.
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