Fidelity Bank AR

Start banking wherever you are with Fidelity Bank AR mobile banking!

Total ratings

4.25 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for Fidelity Bank AR on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.75
All time rating average: 4.25

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5 star
63% (5)
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25% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Leslie Cooper
I almost always have trouble opening this app, even when it's recently updated. 😢
Jeremy Henry
I got an email saying with this app I could lock and unlock my debit card and also know when my account was being used. Well I don't see any of that on this app
Charlette Henson
Home town bank, love it and the people. I've been with them since the 80's. My husband has been long before the 80's.
A Google user
helps me tremdeously
A Google user
A Google user
Good for balance. Not very customer service friendly.
A Google user
The App will not open. Everytime I try to use the App a notification pops up telling me to update the App. However, there isn't an update shown in the Google play store. So, for now its unusable.
A Google user
The check deposit option is not appearing for me.