WA Personal Mobile

Start banking wherever you are with WA Personal Mobile for mobile banking!

Total ratings

2.41 (Rating count: 65)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy interface
  • Simple to use
  • Cannot log in despite correct credentials
  • Requires multiple logins and security questions
  • Limited check deposit functionality
  • Inconsistent performance requiring frequent reinstallation
Most mentioned
  • Login issues
  • Inability to access high yield savings accounts
  • Constant need for re-entering credentials
  • Inconvenience with online deposit limits
See reviews for WA Personal Mobile on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.10
All time rating average: 2.41
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Rating filters

5 star
5% (1)
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23% (5)
1 star
73% (16)
Date Author Rating Comment
Erin Nass
Can't seem to use app if you only have a high yield savings account. I have to login using the website only. Very annoying!
Daniel Chitwood
Like 6 times a day I have to answer additional questions and it doesn't save my preferences . I setup for the passcode and open it later to having to put in my password all over again. Really annoyed 😠 fix this problem immediately please! Also what's up with the balance texting? I get errors all the time when trying to text to get my balance?!
shuu yaj
This app is junk. Can not log in. Sign in on their website only.
Anastasia R
Unable to access account....high yield svgs account...I .Uninstalled app as seemed suspicious...hopefully Alliance develops a working app
LyndaDoes MyHair
I will NOT give this app more than 2 Stars as long as their Online Deposit LIMITS users to ONE FREAKING CHECK AT A TIME AND STARTING ENTIRE PROCESS AGAIN TO DEPOSIT A SECOND, THIRD, TENTH CHECK!!! Going back to the Advent of online banking apps I've always been able to deposit MULTIPLE checks online consecutively. It's a simple matter of after completing an online deposit the app asked "Are you Finished or Continue to next Deposit". Not a deal killer but close. Please usher in the 21st Century.
Daniel Dyer
It will not ley me login to my personal account. I signed in on my computer just fine but it will not let me use the same login info on the app. I even tried to reset my password from the app but the app pulled up someone else's phone number when I tried to reset it!
Matthew Lievrouw - Burgess
What is the point of this app if you can't even login? Why is this app even on the play store?
Patricio Khan
Garbage! Not able to login on app at all! User name and password are absolutely correct and work on desktops
George Roberts
The app would not accept my user name. So I clicked on the "Forgot my User Name" link . It required me to enter my user name in order to provide me with my user name. Seriously. Makes me worry that they'll deny my deposit saying I must first make a deposit......
suresh kumar
Login is not working in mobile app whereas it works in Web. Horrible.
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