Bank of Commerce (MS)

Bank of Commerce MS for Mobile Banking!

Total ratings

4.21 (Rating count: 38)
See reviews for Bank of Commerce (MS) on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.21

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Date Author Rating Comment
joseph loudenback
Go back to the old format, this new one hurts my eyes, and not familiar with it
Liquita Williams
I have had to reinstall this app 4 times already, and I've only had it about 3 months. I keep getting an error message whenever I try to use it. Therefore, I have to uninstall it and reinstall again to use it.
I keep having to reinstall the app because it keeps saying it's busy. I can't bill pay either because it won't let me add them. I can only check balance and see what has gone through my account. These things should be corrected.
Shirley Winters
I'm a customer with Bank Of Commerce Greenwood And my own home town , the cashier is fantastic . I love on Banking with Bank Of Commerce Charleston MS .
Jasmine Bradford
Could offer more
Mr. Dotson
Fast, easy to use and always available. Much easier than my other banking apps.