Reviews of Union Bank Mobile

List of user reviews and ratings for Union Bank Mobile

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 27)
See reviews for Union Bank Mobile on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.11
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Date Author Rating Comment
Love this app helps out a lot
Stewart Ramsey
Horrible App. Can't use the fingerprint login. I have to constantly type username and password, wait for code, verify phone number, go to settings and turn off notifications. Just ridiculous app to do mobile banking.
Brandon Stephens
Have to type out username, password, answer security questions, and give my phone number every single time I open it. It shouldn't be that much of a hassle to check my balance, especially with fingerprint capability, but you can't use that feature when it's requiring you to authenticate literally every time you open the app. Don't matter if it's 2-3 times a day or 2-3 a week I always have to authenticate to see my balance.
Jaimi Reynolds
Always having to uninstall and reinstall after about 5 sign -ins! Then have to go into on - line website to go into my account!!
bob mcmaster
Have to continually install and uninstall
R Owens
Do not like customer service, they steal your $
Irene Cooper
Love this
Sue Ellison
I love this app it was easy to set up and to maneuver!
A Google user
Love this app! Very handy if u can't make it 2 an atm 2 check ur balance, & it keeps u from continuously calling inside the bank & asking 4 ur balance. Every now & then, it's too busy 2 let u on the app. But usually no problems... Secure app, keeps all ur info safe!
A Google user
Love this app
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