Learn Croatian

Learn to speak Croatian today

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4.33 (Rating count: 184)
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Recent rating average: 3.63
All time rating average: 4.33

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Date Author Rating Comment
Kavinder Yadav
Great application.
Pooria Heidary
Writing test is broken.
Musdu Legen
Bereits vor der ersten Nutzung Aufforderung zur Bewertung. In den Einstellungen kann man zwar auf den ersten Blick personalisierte Werbung deaktivieren, jedoch muss man im 2. Schritt dann zwangsweise doch zustimmen, man "kann" es ja dann später irgendwo noch ändern. Sorry, das ist mir zu kompliziert, ein einfaches Akzeptieren, dass ich keine personalisierte Werbung möchte, wäre fairer, weniger ärgerlich und hätte dazu geführt, dass ich die App (zumindest) nicht gleich deinstalliert hätte.
daulat miah
A Google user
Good, but definitely needs options or improvements. Have to turn the volume up the whole way, but then the ad that plays when you go back to the main menu is LOUD. Options to adjust volume in app would be great. Also, she speaks SO unnaturally! If spoken normally, would be better, and then option to slow down the speaking if wanted. Gives little info about why different endings, which I only know from having more than a beginners bit of knowledge. Isn't my go to app, but does provide sentences,.
A Google user
Bug alert: The spoken words are soft and of very low volume. On my Huawei I have to turn it up full. When the advertising comes on, it's very loud.
A Google user
After using this app a few times I felt the urge to post a review because awesome apps must be shared and given their recognition. I moved to Croatia looking for a new life and found a beautiful, peaceful country with nice people. This is by far THE BEST app I have used to learn Hrvatski. Not only the translations are perfect, but the best part is the slow-paced pronunciation of each phrase and word which allows you to practice 'till the point you speak like a native. Kudos to the creators!
A Google user
It's amazing, better than all the others that i have explored. The fact that I'm putting so much effort into this review just shows you how wonderful this app is , definitely download this one , it took me a full minute to describe this app , i don't usually write such long reviews but his app is awesome, i have improved in learning Croatian and HOPE in time i will be a fluent speaker of Croatian. Again , DOWNLOAD THIS WONDERFUL APP, thank you.......