Blocker - App Controller

An useful tools that controls activities and broadcasts, etc.

Total ratings

4.05 (Rating count: 233)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Powerful tool to control Android applications
  • Can stop apps from restarting
  • Free and no ads
  • Highly recommended by some users
  • Provides useful information on app components
  • Requires root access for full functionality
  • Limited use without root, does not change permissions
  • Lacks proper tutorials or instructions
  • Frequent errors reported across various Android versions
  • Complexity makes it difficult for average users to navigate
Most mentioned
  • Requires root access
  • Functionality issues across different Android versions
  • Lack of instructions or tutorials
  • Powerful capabilities for controlling apps
  • User confusion regarding app purpose and effectiveness
See reviews for Blocker - App Controller on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.05
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Rating filters

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36% (8)
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1 star
23% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ilyas Sipahi
no luck with shizuku i hope finds another way rootless
Kenneth John
The settings that let you use Shizuku don't work.
billy grant (It's all about ants)
You need to root your phone.
Matthew Green
The app looks very powerful, if only I had any clue how to use it. I found it as a search for a notification blocker and I don't think it does that, I couldn't see a button for it.
App not working. Please close and try again. Repeats. Android 14.
Samsung User
Like what the app can do. Unfortuantely, appears phone needs to be rooted which is no easy task for Tracfones or various carriers like Spectrum, Verizon, etc. which provide more evidence a person never really owns their phone. Think government. Its all about control.
Ray X
Such a powerful tool to control Android malicious application.
godric Elkhazali
Can't block trackers unless running VPN firewall even with Shizuku!
Like the information alot to understand yet three stars for now I'm sure I can rate higher after I learn more as to actually block without root .to bad theirs no tutorial? Best I've run across and I have tried many
Perry D Riley Jr
Can't do much with it mostly for rooted device other wise it doesn't anything that would change any permissions.
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