Suby: Subscription Manager

One place to manage all your subscriptions!

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4.20 (Rating count: 39)
See reviews for Suby: Subscription Manager on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.20
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Date Author Rating Comment
Joarder Yousuf Basir
Excellent user experience.
Patrice Granaldi
I wish I understood. I can input 3 subs. Creator answered. Update.... It's a great app once I figured it out. However, when you look at app in Playstore there's a premium attached to it but they are not charging for it which is great. Thanks
Victoria Chidube
I love how it's easy to use.
Kai Cooper
Great so far! It would be useful to have notifications to remind you about payments. 😁
Luke Myers
The timezone seems to be off - I select a date for my subscription and it proceeds to list the billing date as the day before.
Arockia Ferdin
Looks promising, keep up the good work 👍
Nischit Shet
This Subscription Manager app is fantastic. I suggest adding a data backup feature.
Prince Billy Graham Karmoker
BDT not available
Good app.I really liked it
Saurabh Subudhiray
The minimal design and the animations are top notch. Its like a dream management tool on the go.
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