AndMeasure (Area & Distance)

AndMeasure - Measure everything on a map

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 2,840)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and useful for measuring areas and distances
  • Great for practical applications like job bidding and surveying
  • No annoying ads, providing a clean user experience
  • Accurate marker placement for measuring purposes
  • Useful for calibrating devices like bike speedometers
  • Unintuitive interface requiring some time to learn
  • Difficulties in accurately placing markers due to finger obstruction
  • Lacks save option for marked locations
  • Not utilizing GPS for better accuracy
  • Limited instructions on using different features
Most mentioned
  • Need for a save option for marked positions
  • Difficulty placing markers accurately
  • Request for GPS integration for better positioning
  • Desire for a more intuitive user interface
  • Suggestions for additional features like fine tuning and elevation graphs
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.16
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Date Author Rating Comment
please add "fine tuning" feature: - tap a point - tap edit - enter the desired value - tap save thanks
Alex Trottier
Simple and useful. Only taking off one star because the interface is a little unintuitive at first (I figured it out but some simple instructions about how to use each mode would be nice) and it doesn't seem to use GPS location which makes it useless for something like quick and dirty surveying because it never gets your position right. I like supporting devs and would be willing to pay a few bucks for a premium version that has these features! ;)
Wonder if it might support offline osm map in the future to ease expensive mobile data.
Robert T. Pelcher 2nd
Cool app, saves me tons of time and gas since I can measure lengths of fences, patios, land, etc. so I can do alot of job bids with the app instead of always having to drive out to measure in person.
G. Bean
All but useless... The current version (as of 09/04/22) does not respond to finger selection of markers 90% of the time. The only reliable way to add markers is to hit "Add" and hope the resulting marker is somewhere near your desired point. Once in a while tapping a point on the map or satellite image will yield a point where needed.
Jeffrey Bower
this does not make since to use to measure a driveway by length and width!!
habtamu adera
It is best app I used the upp for the last two years which aknowledge with the world Geographical Location
nkdixit dixit
Working good but Save Butten and Emage Scale will be added for Batter improvement of app is more usefull.
Philip Dunmore
Great app ,needs a save option so you can save marked positions for later use, that brings you back to map.
George Lafourche
Powerful and versatile but not so easy to use.
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