Reviews of myMaxxSouth

List of user reviews and ratings for myMaxxSouth

Total ratings

3.47 (Rating count: 49)
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Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 3.47
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62% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
N8iv2DaBone 34
Won't allow me to pay bill and online bill pay keeps locking me out. Only good to view bill. Nothing more.
Michael Jones
I have to login every time I open the app. Please fix it so it remembers my username and also add biometrics
Jeffrey Taylor
On time
I don't have the app
Nancy Dobbins
This app is awful! Does not recognize my user name nor password every time I try to get into my account to review or pay bills. Make it simple not harder if you want to keep your customers.
LaDerrius Richardson
Does not give me the option to veiw/pay bill plus it crazy to login in your account just to login in to another one to pay your bill
CasualObserver “CasualObserver”
The app usually operates well enough, but I don't understand why I can't use it to pay my bill or get details about my services. That's the main reason most people use these companion apps as far as I can tell.
Kenneth Swann
Website and app or both glitchy is the only word I can think of refuses to recognize my username and password to pay the bill but for the app and the website it recognizes it the internet is fine when you have issues that's when the problems start showing this is an internet communications company they should have their apps working flawlessly
Gabby Shaw
Yall need to get the login together. Both on app and website.
Ametris Cummings
It's not letting me login even with my correct info
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