Maryland Health Connection

The official Mobile App for the Maryland Health Connection

Total ratings

2.78 (Rating count: 2,340)

Review summary

    • Constant login problems and difficulty accessing accounts.
    • Frequent app crashes and freezing, making it unusable.
    • Inconsistent performance, with errors recurring during application processes.
    • Confusing user interface and navigation issues.
    • Unresponsive buttons and unexpected logouts.
    Most mentioned
    • Issues with logging in or staying logged in.
    • Frequent app crashes or freezes during use.
    • Difficulty in completing applications or uploading documents.
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for Maryland Health Connection on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.20
    All time rating average: 2.78
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    19% (5)
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    81% (22)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Latonya Ferguson
    I don't understand why I can't compllete my application. I uploaded the nessccary documents. Why don't I have the insurance.
    Kisho Demigod
    Terrible user experience; does not actually allow you to do an application or upload any documents. It's really only useful to view what's been submitted, processed or canceled. Needs a lot of work and actually use added...
    Richard McCollim (Broker, Realtor, Coach)
    2024. Total BS. Times you out while entering in pw. Constantly blank, stalled page. Impossible to choose health insurance!!! Fire app developer!! // 2023. They repeatedly cancel your enrollment! Asinine, dysfunctional. No methods to search and choose health plans!!! Forces you to change password, but then block the lines to enter the new password. // 2022 Remains dysfunctional. // 2021 "NEXT" on the application = no enrollment result.
    Kristen Elliott
    It hardly ever loads and when it does it doesn't allow me to make any changes. I've uninstalled the app and cleared the cache and data from the app off my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. Its much easier to just use the actual website.
    Agatha Trunchbull
    Horrible ! Sucks ! Impossible to enroll, throws you out in the middle of applying and have to start application all over . Signs you out several times before signing in . Have to call them this app is garbage .
    Jeanette Francis
    When you ate on the site it go blank and will not come back on, I constantly have to be resigning in.
    Tina Fisher
    It is awful. I sign in and than they say it is experiencing technical difficulties. How can I get coverage changed if I wanted. It has been a month now. Still same message.
    david haraway
    App crashes, doesn't recognize log in keeps saying to enroll when I'm already enrolled
    Katy Hohenberger
    I have never had a good experience with this app. If you're lucky to get logged in it won't let you press any buttons or get to any of your information, and then they send random notifications to your phone that are jibberish and you can't figure out what it means or comes from.
    Hope Perkins
    Seems to constantly freeze even with high speed internet ..unusable
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