Clue: Classic Edition

Detective! There are six suspects, six weapons & nine rooms but only one answer!

Total ratings

4.53 (Rating count: 50,180)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and nostalgic gameplay similar to the classic board game
  • Good graphics and art design
  • Ability to play both offline and online
  • Engaging multiplayer experience with real players
  • Intuitive and easy to use if familiar with Clue
  • Frequent crashes and glitches during gameplay
  • In-app purchases for additional boards and characters are excessive
  • No local multiplayer option available
  • Loss of achievements/progress when switching devices is frustrating
  • Limited ability to earn additional content through gameplay
Most mentioned
  • Issues with in-app purchases and high costs for additional characters and boards
  • Crash and glitch problems interfere with gameplay
  • Desire for local multiplayer and better game sharing options
  • Frustration about needing to repurchase content previously owned
  • Loss of progress when switching devices
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.53
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Date Author Rating Comment
Kelsey Bright
I loved this game growing up, and I'm so happy I can play it digitally now!! However, I can't play the tropical mystery board or use the characters I purchased. I'm not sure what caused this, but I tried to purchase it again, the 6 character and 1 board bundle but it won't let me since I've already purchased it? Please help me fix this because the tropical mystery board is my favorite!!
Shaneca René
I'm giving this game 5 stars because I enjoy playing it and it's fun to play against other players. I purchased the VIP pack and love all the stages I get to play. Only downside is that I got a new phone again and lost all my achievements for a second time and now need help to reinstall my progress on my new phone. I wish the progress would automatically transfer, but I appreciate that this company at least helps you get back on track by helping you get your progress back.
Anne H
I love the game, and the graphics are good, but it crashes all the time 😩 Also, we shouldn't have to pay for different boards. The skins I understand having to pay for, but I already paid for the game itself. There should be multiple free boards to play. Bonus thought! It would be cool if there were special events and limited skins that you could win during them!
Rick Morris
NO LOCAL MULTIPLAYER! It says it in the description that this IS AN OPTION, when it's not, every person has to own the game themselves. I have this for the switch and you can use the companion app to play local multiplayer, figured it would work the same but it doesn't. Got the game cheaper on the switch and it came with more boards, characters, and local multiplayer without paying additional money. VERY DISAPPOINTED in this version of the game. Don't recommend.
Elizabeth Wasilewski
So far, so good. It's fun whether you play offline or online. If you pay real close attention, you can be the first to guess almost every time. Edit: Now this game has become super glitchy. It freezes during game play almost constantly to the point that I'll just leave the game. Sometimes I get to finish and Sometimes I don't. It wasn't like that when I first started playing. How disappointing!!
Mark Fincher
The "rolling a 3 every game" bug is just to over powering to enjoy. If you don't know - every game and i mean EVERY GAME I roll a 3 at least once. It makes it where you don't a turn to guess. Maybe others don't have this "feature" but it's blatantly obvious. Statistically impossible to roll a 3 every 5 and after game after game.
Lauren DiLorenzo
Super fun, very similar to the classic game but with a slightly easier board! I haven't had a chance to play the other boards yet, but just playing the regular old mansion is good enough for me! One thing I will say, like previous reviewers, I wish additional people or boards were achievable through points instead of only money. It's super pricey to buy any of this additions considering we already paid for the game itself.
Joshua Byrne
I paid for the app. But I felt bombarded with in-app purchases. You can mark pretty much anything you want except for who you have shown cards to (a big negative imo) and the time limit on the moves is much too short. I get that some people don't want to wait, but maybe have different wait times that you can filter on when you search for a game.
Liz D
Great version of the classic game! I would like to see a few things added: 1-a way to set your default board and character for those of us who have the extras, 2-a tracking sheet that can be used when we play the actual board game in person, and 3-an option to decrease the battery usage with less-spectacular graphics. But overall, fantastic!
Kate Winchester
I enjoy playing this game, but a few features could really improve the experience. * An option to skip the graphics, especially in solo play. Very boring having to watch the effects for the AI players each round. Also kills the battery on my phone very fast * Allow an option to reverse the mode on the notepad so for example you can keep "x" selected and click on multiple cells rather than having to reselect the character each time
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