
Your companion app for Warcry - everything you will need to track your games

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4.89 (Rating count: 376)
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.89
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dmitrii S
Good app but UI needs some improvements: - please add icons next to text description of stats, factions, abilities, etc - the "back" swipe should return to the previous view instead of closing the app - sometimes word wrapping is weird, e.g. "Runemark | s"
H Borr
For what ist built for its great for pre planning games and building armies, completely free too so that's a plus
Maximilian Vowels
trying to get into warcry and this app is simply better than anything else out there.
jay ketcham
simple, effective, could be organized better
R Rix
Easy to use!
I like this app pretty well over all. My only complaint is at least one unit is missing an ability and I don't know where to file a ticket. Maggotkin of Nurgle: Rotbringers Putrid Blightking with Sonorous Tocsin is missing the "Toll the Sonorous Tocsin" ability. There may be others but I'm not sure at this point in time.
Lloyd Blackband
Just started to use it and initially looks very good, will re-review it when I've used it in a game and see have it runs 👍
Tom Higgins
From limited use, so far seems like a great app looking forward to putting it to the test! Only negative is there's quite a few spelling errors.
nicely designed UI, and it has everything i need to quickly play a game of warcry.
T Notsun
Having an App for Warcry makes it so easy to make Warbands on the fly. Warcrying seems to keep updating for new models and units and gives you easy access to multiple parties. I'm enjoying it very much. 😄
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