Reviews of Code Pro: HTML, CSS, JS & BT5

List of user reviews and ratings for Code Pro: HTML, CSS, JS & BT5
See reviews for Code Pro: HTML, CSS, JS & BT5 on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: undefined

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5 star
67% (2)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Zainab Kareem
I would have given this app a five star rating if it was two years back while I was using the free version but after paying for the pro version, it worked fine at first but in recent times it takes forever to download the lessons while my network is very strong. Pls fix this glitch as soon as possible.
Adebayo Debare
Tutorials not loading. Might click on refund if it continues for the next hours. It loads well now and I have been enjoying their comprehensive tutorials.
Deepak Kumar
Very good