Reviews of Home Launcher pro - Applock

List of user reviews and ratings for Home Launcher pro - Applock

Total ratings

4.33 (Rating count: 35)
See reviews for Home Launcher pro - Applock on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.33

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Date Author Rating Comment
Ayulz Orlando #Freepalestine
Please make it no made it More Option fun stuff..Example like many themes,they have few others lkije we have have many theme for us to select, the font,easy typing(bcos i have many this have this keyboad problem), setting add more options,the real hp boost and more emoji edit own gif and etc.. Becos i see this themes normal a themes.We want to have many options to use,also if can you have option to remove that many Ads.1 try to add many type of designs and real many fonts and have a colorful😊✌
Leigh Morton
I'm really liking this so I bought the Pro version. However, it keeps saying I have no icon packs and I have a ton, so I can't use them. Help!
Massive lag spikes when playing music or switching the color, had to force stop it for it to not lag anymore, please fix.
Vasudeo Joshi
Simply superb, good look & facinating
A Google user
Just purchased. I like that it is fast and doesn't seem to hog a ton of memory. Well done. I'd suggest a few updates to the developers though like a correct weather map and circled date for what day it is.
A Google user
A little heavy fo my phone, but overall i like it