Birds Complete Reference Guide

Comprehensive birding app with over 11,400 birds with sounds, images and videos.

Total ratings

3.41 (Rating count: 366)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Extensive information on birds
  • User-friendly features like easy links to additional resources
  • Good for studying birds and accessing bird calls
  • Helpful for ornithologists
  • Offline usability praised
  • Issues with cookie consent pop-ups
  • Ads are intrusive and disrupt user experience
  • Difficulty finding specific birds in the app
  • User interface is not very friendly and navigational issues
  • Limited offline content and features
Most mentioned
  • Search functionality has limitations
  • Need for improved user interface and sorting options
  • Desire for offline pictures and sounds
  • Concerns about ads and their placement
  • Requests for more bird information and lists by country
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 3.41
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Rating filters

5 star
38% (8)
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10% (2)
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19% (4)
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14% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jaco Wood
cookie pop up as soon as I opened it up, containing pre ticked boxes and a long list of vendors I had to manually reject. I don't know what country this app was developed in, but if it's in the EU or UK, that is ILLEGAL under GDPR, which states that pre ticked boxes are not allowed, and that it should be just as easy to reject cookies as it is to accept them (must be a reject all button!!).
John Mburu
Good and reliable
[email protected] Manka
It is so good that it helps me with more information about the birds Thanks u all
Gede Agustapa
I Love this apps, easy to use and linked with the web. There is always some space for improvement to be the best app about bird.
Zakayo Gabriel Jacob
I love this app because it has all kind of birds with their sounds.👋
Kevin Navarrete
Amazing app. It is very useful and handy. I totally recommend it. It would be amazing to be able to send some bird-list via email, nevertheless, I am very happyy with your work, guys\girls. 5/5
Luke Emanuel Mondido
4 star for this app, im a bird lover... but can you pls add some offline pictures, that can be viewed and offline sounds each bird? even you dont add offline videos...
Jacobus Le Roux
This is an excellent app, but what happened to my saved bird lists of the previous version?
A Google user
cute birds are their i love it so so so nice for me lovely game and nice cute birds 🥰 i love ittt too much and the rata is 5 st.. good for me lovely🐥 the wall.. p.. is very noce lovely bye😘
A Google user
This app is very good to study of birds And more helpfull to signify to birds
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