
QMob lets you capture & share rich data whenever & wherever you need it.

Total ratings

3.52 (Rating count: 731)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and user-friendly interface
  • Payments received for completed surveys
  • App functionality works well during survey periods
  • App crashes frequently, especially when uploading data
  • Delayed or missing payments reported by users
  • Customer service responses are slow or unhelpful
Most mentioned
  • Issues with app crashing
  • Concerns about payment delays or non-receipt
  • Positive feedback about app usability
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.52
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Date Author Rating Comment
Gabrielle Cevallos
Soon as I uploaded a video and picture for a survey, the app crashed. Everytime I would try to reopen the app it crashes and goes back to my phone main menu. Even uninstalled it and reinstalled it with the same result.
Christian B-R
I finished my two weeks without any problems. I'll update on whether or not I receive my gift card. UPDATE: I received the $35 Visa gift card! UPDATE: I received my second $35 Visa gift card! UPDATE: I received the $35 gift card in six weeks and a day. UPDATE 12/27/22: I received another $35 in a little over 3 weeks after completion of the survey diary.
Sarah Payne
Scammy waste of time. I recorded every beverage, even H2O, that I drank for 2wks. It was time consuming, but worth it to earn $35. They say they mailed me a prepaid Visa card nearly a month ago, but I've received nothing. I have USPS Informed Delivery, & can see what's been delivered, so I know it wasn't stolen on my end. I've been writing to customer service for wks & just get "We'll look into it" when they even answer. Who even sends actual physical cards in 2022? Seems pretty sketchy to me.
Shelley Leppert
I'm suddenly unable to fill out my daily journal. I should be seeing lots of different options from which to choose but all I can see is the back button. *** Same problem again, another day.
Anaatasia Sorrie
I'm using the app t for a survey I'm participating in but it is not sending me my two daily diaries and I don't want to get kicked. Out of the survey because it is not sending them to me like it's supposed too
usually great but I uploaded my last diary entry for a research study and the app crashed .. now it seems like all my previous data has been lost after the fact!! will the researchers have that data?? it said that one went through but when I went to add another there was no 'continue' option, as if I was starting all over again and when I press back it takes me straight back to the home screen! please help! I'm worried I will lose out on my incentive because of this 😭
Karen Durant
I registered & was accepted. Then all of a sudden i got the "you do not qualify " message! 😡 every day i still get the"you haven't updated your latest" ?????
Bongani Macheke
Downloaded the app last week, finished the survey last night and got my payment this morning. Easy to use, user friendly and no bugs.
Tshepo Mogorosi
This app is annoying, I always fill in my consumption tracker everyday, suddenly I'm removed due to lack of activity?? I think that's their way of escaping giving us our incentive The incentive is not even specificied😏😒🚮
Lindiwe Mbally
I just downloaded the App it's doesn't want to change the language and no familiar with the current use language I tried to change but I failed
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