Jurassic World Alive

Collect, Evolve, and Battle Jurassic World Dinosaurs! ALIVE in your world!

Total ratings

4.21 (Rating count: 652,065)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and engaging gameplay with dinosaur battles and collection
  • Good graphics and visuals of dinosaurs
  • Exciting AR mode for catching dinosaurs in the wild
  • Nostalgic for long-time players
  • Variety of creatures to collect and battles
  • Frequent bugs and glitches that disrupt gameplay
  • Game can be pay-to-win, making it difficult for free players
  • Unbalanced PvP matchmaking, leading to frustrating battles
  • Coin and resource collection is too difficult, making upgrades expensive
  • Frequent crashes and lag issues, especially post-update
Most mentioned
  • Game frequently crashes or lags
  • Unbalanced matchmaking in PvP battles
  • Too many bugs affecting gameplay
  • Difficulties in collecting coins and resources
  • Game feels pay-to-win with hard-to-unlock creatures
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.21
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Date Author Rating Comment
Grace Hollz
I've played this game for many years, myself and my dad are even in the same guild. I like fighting with my dinos and playing whilst on walks. However, Jamcity brings out so many new dinosaurs it becomes overwhelming. I imagine for new players, going up ranks and collecting DNA is more difficult now. There isn't enough coin collecting to get the new Dino's or level up the ones you have to a decent level to beat pay-to-play players. Jamcity needs to realise more dinosaurs doesn't = better game.
It's a good game but one thing I definitely have a gripe with is the Isla Event changing nearly nothing about what creatures you're able to use ever since it went the route of incubators rather than direct for certain creature DNA. It used to be random but now the last several Isla Events use the same creatures over and over for selection to fight with, I prefer it being random than this seemingly constant repeat of the same creatures and only adding creatures that the current ones go into.
Dominik Nosek
I really like this game, not a whole lot of bad things I can say about it. I enjoy the grind to aquire dinosaurs and their DNA, and drone mode is fun. But sometimes I feel that the grind can be a little bit too tedious for some rarities. Also, pvp matchmaking is very unbalanced, with everyone having overleveled, overpowered creatures in their roster (Rexy, Concatosaurus, etc.).
Lisa Smith
Since your recent update game goes to open and closes right back out, unable to play the game at all. Won't open up. Please fix issues and I will give another review and give more stars! I love this game so please fix this issue! Also when collecting DNA from dinosaur's and it says like you have 1 try and you have to get 250 points, how the heck can we do it with 1 try? And very little time it gives the players? Please let me know , is there a secret to it? lower the amount of coins for upgrades
William Noorlag
Amazing game, but the bugs are really out of control lately - can dev team review? Being disconnected, told there's a new version I have to update, clicking the button getting brought to this play store page and then there's no update. Have to force stop and reopen. Constantly losing ability to click actions, can cycle through tabs on bottom but not choose moves or swaps, have to force stop and quit--to name a couple
Austin Fernitz
I love this game. But I would like to see in the free pass the ability to get skins for dinosaurs that we can get without buying the premium pass. Or lower the premium pass down to $9.99 so that it's more available for more players. And I would like to see each dinosaurs have its own unique call or sound that it makes.
The game has changed for the worse. I change my 5 star review to 1 star now due to the state of the game. The developers will bait and switch you for a decent dinosaur and once time and money has been invested in it, they will change its entire move pool and stats to make it worthless and force you to build up resources again for the new one. Which they will do the same to down the road. The game is an ever moving target shamelessly trying to get any penny out of you.
Degon 1954
The game keeps lagging on me. Through out my time trying to play this game I been having major lagging issues. When I'm trying to scroll through my inventory of dinosaurs "Lag", when I'm trying to open up a crate "Lag", when in trying to catch a dinosaur in the wild "Lag", when I try to go out for a walk just to explore and catch dinos, Not just "Lag" but the game would exit itself when I take more then a few steps away from my home. All of that just makes the game hard to play and enjoy.
Eddy Synn
Great game, I just started a few days ago. I love it! My only issue is that the GPS/Beacon doesn't move at all on my map! I tried to go hunt some Dinos while walking my dog to the park close to my house, and the beacon stayed at my house. I tried going into the setting, but there was no help that I could find for the GPS. 3/5☆ -I'd give this game a 5/5 if not for this particular issue.
Kerry T.
This game was good at first but the devs need to do an update or something because our whole household keeps getting kicked out of battles— mid-battle— or things like the game freezes constantly or glitches so badly you miss shots. I don't know if maybe their servers can't handle the numbers of people playing at certain times of day or whatever is going on but this game was great but snowballing downhill FAST.
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