Loyalzoo - Loyalty card app

Track your loyalty points for the stores and eateries you love

Total ratings

3.89 (Rating count: 224)

Review summary

  • Easy to set up for some users.
  • Encourages shopping local.
  • Great customer service response in some cases.
  • App is glitchy and unresponsive.
  • Checking in for points is complicated and often ineffective.
  • Issues with login and account management.
  • Limited local business support.
  • Problems with receiving marketing emails and opting out.
Most mentioned
  • Glitchy performance.
  • Difficulty with point collection.
  • Issues with logging in and account access.
  • Location services not working.
  • Inconsistent user experience.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Loyalzoo - Loyalty card app on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 3.89
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52% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mahmoud AbdelHadi
the app is very glitchy, the top bar keeps flashing and the click response time can get annoying
Donna Biddle
Moh was very sweet and he helped me out finding everything and more that I was looking for. The atmosphere was great and the store was very clean.
World Traveler
Not a very good app. They should get a middle school kid to design them a better one. Of my four trips to the restaurant linked to this app, only one visit has points assigned. I sent a feedback message for the last visit, but I doubt if anyone is really monitoring it.
Lee Williams
Never had any issues with the app, was always easy to set up, not sure what issues everyone else is having but from my experience it's always been good.
Sharon M
How do I find a list of local businesses that use this app? I have one regular shop but have never seen it anywhere else.
Vernon Cuthbert
The input of any information to activate this app is almost impossible. The keyboard appears briefly before disappearing and the screen appears to be on constant refresh.
shane hopkins
Still not working and support unable resolve, used all my email accounts to login even ones I know I didn't use.. They all login(strangely) but none of them have my history even though I can see it on the shops account with my image. Not a good product.... Thanks for the reply but as I stated I have used all my email address accounts and still nothing, yet the account I'm trying to access is still live and in use. Would appreciate this to be resolved rather than using a new account. 🤔
Brian Manley
As far as i can tell the app doesn't work. I cannot find anywhere in the app to tie it to my puchases. I check in every time I go in the cafe and so far it has never registered a purchase.
App is pants! "Check in" isn't as easy as clicking a button.You have to notify the staff and, in the days of table service, this means telling every single server that takes your order.Going through your full name, email, phone number so they can "find you on the system".Some of the time your points are applied, mainly they are not. It is exhausting and just not worth the effort. Further to the comment, you have to tell each server, each time, because they ask you to pay each round separately.
Laurence Oliphant
Problems collecting points from my account eventually resolved. Should be done automatically. Also, requesting help is mislabelled as "Send feedback" which is something different. It also differs from the advice I received on here where I was told to select "Leave feedback".
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