Food Expiration Dates

Remember all the expiration dates of your food stocks
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Recent rating average: 3.80
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Date Author Rating Comment
Darshan Agrawal
Plz add photos its ok if i cant export phots
Abin Shaji
It's Barcode scanner won't work. We can't add or find any products using barcode scanner is not available in this app.
Navaneeth P K
⭐ Open-source ⭐ Simple, Minimal
Alex A
Edit: app crashes. Cannot use anymore. No update was done for my android. Reinstalled it. Same behaviour. Initial: Good app. Simple. But it lacks the feature for setting the notification time : 1 day before, etc.
Bhavesh Kumawat
My experience with this app has been great. Very unique idea. This is very helpful mobile app.