
Wide variety of products for your pet
See reviews for Tiendanimal on Google Play Store
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Date Author Rating Comment
Sam Romano
Quite an annoying app to be honest. Just so full of advertising it's hard to complete the shopping list I actually open the app for in the first place. Using the website now and just repeating my orders from my previous purchases. Not interested at all in whatever deals and things they are pushing. Slow loading times due to all the advertisements as well. I've uninstalled it.
Vanessa Freitas
When I click a product, it seems to open a sort of two new tab in the app itself. Pressing back closes a tab, but returns to the same product. Clicking back again closed app instead of returning to the product list.
Julia Hughes
App doesn't open
Erika Alves
Login doesn't even works
Fernando Paulino
Doesn't allow Portuguese addresses
Ana Martins
Muitos bugs. O mais irritante é o carrinho de compras dizer que está vazio quando não está.
Dejó de funcionar. Aparece el imagen del WiFi con exclamacion y no va. Mi WiFi y internet funcionan correctamente.
Luis Cobarrubia
No permite actualizar
Daniel Ruiz Mulas
No me deja descargar la nueva versión y la antigua no me deja hacer pedidos
Azahara García Serna
Tras la última actualización no me permite acceder a la aplicación
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