Live Play Bingo: Real Hosts

Win online bingo 24/7 at home - LIVE broadcast from the studio to your phone!

Total ratings

4.72 (Rating count: 43,590)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and addictive gameplay
  • Great interaction with live hosts
  • Customer service is responsive and helpful
  • Ability to play without spending money
  • Visuals and themes are enjoyable
  • Frequent glitches and freezing issues
  • Game appears to be money-driven and favors spending
  • Winning odds have decreased significantly
  • Unclear notifications and updates
  • Chat and gifts can clutter the screen and lag performance
Most mentioned
  • Glitches and freezing
  • Pressure to spend money
  • Responsive customer service
  • Enjoyable hosts and interactions
  • Decreased odds of winning
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 4.72
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Date Author Rating Comment
Eric Roberson
This is a great app! Only problem I really have with it is my fat fingers, when I try to Push on the numbers and accidentally call a Bad Bingo. I like the interaction between host and player but I feel like there should be A friend request option for other players so that you can connect through the game as well. Other than that, great game. That's why it's a four stars for me.
Mandi Lynn
It's alot of fun and hosts are REALLY livešŸ¤£ I've been playing for 2 years now and it has grown and changed ALOT! Some things not so great, it has definitely become more money oriented! It's completely free and is lots of fun without purchasing tho. But the winning odds have gone waaay down unless you're new, the power ups are predominantly coins and the odds are ridiculously lower during certain events. However, that being said, i still love my Live Play Bingo Fam!!!
Kimberly Steverson
Love playing this but past 2 weeks I have not been getting notifications. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times but still cannot get notifications. The app in my phone settings does not give me the option to turn on notifications. I had no issues up until 2 weeks ago. Please fix this so I don't miss any more happy and golden hours. Thanks
Laura Hugueley
I have played for over 2 years now and with each update, it gets harder and harder to win without spending money. The past week, powerups fly all around the cards and never land on an animal number. There are many rounds where 6 or 7 balls are called in a row and I don't hit one number playing on 4 cards. It's also become extremely irritating to hear hosts constantly say "Go bundle up" or "stock up in the store to win". I have loved this game for a while but have really considered uninstalling.
Jennifer Jerabek
I really enjoyed playing this game! I had stopped playing for a bit and just started to try and play again, but it's almost like it's frozen. I was able to play one round, but now it keeps leveling me up and won't let me play again. It has leveled me up at least 30 levels now without letting me play. I have logged out, updated the app, uninstalled and reinstalled but still having the same issues. Hope this bug gets fixed soon so I don't have to create a new account and start over.
Joyce Trembath
It's fun. The hosts are great. But I'd fix the advertising if I were you. Your ads make it look like you win a prize with every bingo, which is not the case. It's very hard to win prizes. Play time is short unless you purchase credits often. And winning seems to depend upon the level you play at. i.e.: regular vs mega, ludicrous, etc. Hard core players tend to win big more often than others. But, I guess that's Bingo.
Kristi Mellinger
It's fun until you acquire millions of coins to only use for "gifts" and when you decide to buy and use the "gifts", you get blocked from posting. Ridiculous that I spent a couple hundred dollars over the last month to play to only be blocked because other players can't handle the "gifts" that the game encourages to use. It's a game! Not a casino! They should award people with participation trophies. Deleting the app.
Max Montano
A friend recommended it said it was fun. Found the first few rounds were addicting, but if you're looking to get Amazon gift cards.... I wouldn't count on it here. The odds of winning without spending money are slim, and the hosts are constantly pressuring you to buy. They have these end game rewards, but never saw one reward. I'm deleting simply because I don't have the time that this game demands from you. They must think people don't have a life.
Sherry H
I love the game , the hosts, with the exception of one who is full of himself,. The fact that the credits you win for collecting ananimal is not even enough to cover playing 4 cards sucks. I know it's a decent payout for completing the collection but the amount for a single animal the amount should be at least 2-3 more than the number of cards you play. Daub hints need a pause option, or at least pause automatically when you aren't on the app. Other than that it's awesome and addicting!
Glitter Goth
Game has crashed so many times. It's not a problem on my end cause great internet and sometimes it runs fine. Many others have the same problem. Lost alot of rewards and been tryna get an answer from customer service for over 2 weeks now with no reply. Wish I had never spent money on this game. Its fun when it works but whats the point if you lose your stuff and cant even get help from anyone on getting it back.
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