Meme Generator

Make memes from your images. Create hilarious memes, have fun!

Total ratings

4.32 (Rating count: 4,381)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • No ads
  • Ability to use own photos
  • Simple and easy to use
  • It gets the job done for basic meme generation
  • Limited text customization options (font style, size, color)
  • No options for text placement beyond top or bottom
  • Lack of variety in stock images and meme formats
Most mentioned
  • Need for more text options and customization
  • Desire for more variety in stock images
  • Users appreciate the lack of ads
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.32
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Date Author Rating Comment
Glenna Smith
Very limited. Text can't be positioned on the background. Top or bottom are your only choices and you can't center text or drop down a line within the text boxes either. But it's free.
A. D.
Love the app. I love the fact that I can use my own pix and type my own text. Idky all of the negative reviews which is the reason why I'm leaving one. Works wonderfully for me.
John 'Doc' Lykins
Good app!! Finally, a photo joiner app with NO AD'S and passes security apps too! You might add some fonts, and update some stock pics. They're getting a bit old as your quotes are. You may want to take the time to answer some of these issues others have posted, too. Many are minor bugs that you can fix. That makes some think you don't care. But I don't understand why some see ad's. I see NONE. Thanks! --Doc Lykins, EMT-Paramedic (Ret.)
A Google user
There may be no ads but you can't change color of lettering, there's only white, and there's no choice of fonts. It is completely generic. The only nice thing besides no ads is you can upload your own photos.
A Google user
Not too many choices, but the app was still pretty good. I wish that they would give you more options though because this is a very PG meme generator.if you're looking for an app than this one is pretty good but still there's not too many choices just want you to be aware that before you get it.
A Google user
Very good . Pity it could have more stock photos to work with . But you can import . And no adds 10 stars
A Google user
This app I feel is totally awesome, but that might only be because the app asked me to rate it after I had all of 2 minutes to look through it after downloading it. I might feel differently after I get bored with it or find a better meme generator.
A Google user
Looks good and easy to use. Does what it says. Select pic, select text format and position, write your text, edit, ready, share. That's it.
A Google user
It puts words on pictures. In a super simple interface. If that's what you want, this will do it. If you want podcasts then you will probably be disappointed.
A Google user
it is good but it take some time to open and i also like the cutie cat which say will you rate us. and i hope you will repair that trash soon
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