Reviews of Forex currency converter

List of user reviews and ratings for Forex currency converter

Total ratings

4.18 (Rating count: 547)

Review summary

  • Easy to use
  • Accurate currency conversion
  • No ads or nagging prompts
  • Widget functionality is unreliable
  • No option for dark mode
  • Limited support for African currencies in terms of graphical representation
  • Inconvenience in saving a list of monitored countries
Most mentioned
  • Widget crashes or does not work
  • Need for dark mode
  • Accuracy issues with some currency denominations
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Forex currency converter on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.18
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Rating filters

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40% (8)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Bernadette R (Bernie)
Easy to use
Jay Natte
Add a Dark Mode.
Mike S
When I tried to use the widget, app crashes. Uninstalled
Desmond Lesa
ibrahim saleh
Hire Gadhhaye
to growth in the United states and selfa in the United kingdom in yar history and selfa and have been the people who have been born with this disease and have been unable in yar and other diseases that have been reported as
R Chayko
No way to save the list of countries I want to monitor (or if there is I've missed it) - I need to add them back each morning, which is a bit inconvenient - otherwise 👍
Vincent Udezuka
Very accurate, just that it doesn't show the graph for most African currency,I mean the graph that shows how steady the currency is doesn't work for most African currency like naira, cedis,franc etc
Alhjidtrs lareesky
Ee Pfen Ng
Widget function doesnt work :/
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