Listing it! - Checklist

All your checklists in a tree! An easy to use, yet powerful listing tool.

Total ratings

4.58 (Rating count: 798)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Ad-free experience
  • Ability to create sub-tasks and nested lists
  • Flexibility in organizing and sorting lists
  • Responsive customer support from the developer
  • Lack of a mode to only check/uncheck items without moving them
  • Need for better navigation features for nested lists
  • Issues with cursor placement when editing notes
  • No option to sort by 'last accessed'
  • Desire for more advanced importing and copying features
Most mentioned
  • Intuitive and simple interface
  • Ad-free
  • Ability to create sub-lists and organize items
  • Moving checked items to the bottom of the list
  • Responsive developer support
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: 4.58
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Date Author Rating Comment
Artis Mules
10 stars. - Intuitive. - No ads. - Saves everything flawlessly. - Moved seamlessly to my new phone. No backup was needed, but notes can be exported then imported again. - Sharing a list creates a nice outline to any other note-taking app. - Can be used to create large outlines; suitable for outlining an entire novel. - Useful for complex inventories, grocery lists, study notes, multiple task lists.
Mick Willdo
A really useful, simple app. Virtually all the checklists apps out there are bloated with all sorts of unneeded features but hardly any of them provide a means of sorting lists alphabetically and chronologically. Not only does this clever little app give us this basic requirement, but it moves items down the list once they are ticked off. Just what I needed. I hope I'm not too late finding this app and it will continue to be supported for years to come.
This is an intuitive and easy to use checkbox list app that works better than the many others I tested. However, I wish it offered a mode that simply allowed me to check and uncheck items in a list, instead of sending them to the bottom when I select, and then to the top again after I'm done.
Brenna Sniatecki
Does exactly what I need it to do. I have ADD and lists are my lifeline; my motto is, "If it's not on a list, it doesn't exist." Other apps have way too many bells and whistles but lack basic functionality. I love that I can create infinite sub lists and even move items from list to list. There are also multiple ways to organize items within each list. This app makes my organization-loving little heart very happy. (Only way this could be more perfect is if it could have a scheduled backup.)
Great app with the ability to add sub-tasks and lists. Really helpful for keeping lists separate, i.e., grocery list, to do list. Love the ability to toggle checkboxes. Sadly, I had to temporarily delete due to running out of space on my phone but will definitely download again in the future.
Erin Thompson
Tremendous organizing tool. Unlimited hierarchy, quick navigation. No gratuitous permissions. No frills, just function. 5 ⭐s. Edit: in 2022 it still is an excellent app. However, there are no breadcrumbs or other easy way to navigate back levels (aside from going to the "home" level.) For nested lists, this feature would greatly improve work flow. Currently the method is menu driven. Moving nested item to different parent lists could also be easier. Also needs sync ability. Now 4 ⭐s.
D goldstein
Finally! A check list that doesn't automatically assume you want to cross off the item you check. Perfection would be the ability to sort the same list alphabetically or by some other criteria, like grocery store aisle, store name, or priority. It's taken me more than a week of trying apps to find this one, and I'm so glad I persisted in my search.
The Doppelotter
This is an excellent list app. It's visual design is solid, and nested subtypes is exactly what I need with the lists I make (something lacking from almost every other app I've tried). Copying a list is a little unintuitive at first, but works wonderfully when you understand it. The only feature I wish to be included is a setting to allow lists to display how many unchecked items are remaining, instead of the total number in the list.
After trying 20-30 different apps to find one that fit my needs best, I think this might be the one. There are a few refinements I'd love to see..... but they are things that aren't needed to make it a very usable and decent app. I love that it's ad free and I pray that a ton of unnecessary bells and whistles aren't added in the future.
Scott Marquardt
Great app! I could make a few suggestions, but the one I will make right now is that the search should not go into the detail for an item, it should just scroll down to wherever it happens to be in its list. When I need to search for something, it's usually to check or uncheck it. To my knowledge there's no way to do that from the detail, and backing out of the searched detail doesn't leave one looking at the item in the list.
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