Spending Account Mobile Center

Save time and hassles with Spending Account Mobile Center!

Total ratings

3.85 (Rating count: 139)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use once you get the hang of it
  • Convenient for claim submissions
  • Quick payouts
  • Can upload pictures with your phone
  • User-friendly interface for basic functions
  • Constantly logs users out
  • Issues with biometrics not being remembered
  • Difficulty navigating the app
  • Frequent password resets required
  • Problems with security questions not recognizing correct answers
Most mentioned
  • Login issues and needing to frequently reset passwords
  • Biometric login problems
  • User interface is not user-friendly and clunky
  • Need for better support and functionality in banking features
  • Overall frustration with app performance and stability
See reviews for Spending Account Mobile Center on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.85
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Date Author Rating Comment
Quick and easy
Terrible. No stay logged in feature, have to do security questions THAT GET ANSWERED CORRECTLY. Because its accepted on the website NOT the app. Makes you answer questions AFTER youve logged in. What is this for? More hassle than your "saving"
Justin Stevenson
Constantly logs me out and resets biometrics. This happens almost every time I try to log in now.
Keisuke S
Very slow and user unfriendly interface
Mark Franzen
Terrible sight. Terrible instructions. Hard to use. Make it better. Can't get your own money.
Edward Guyer
Like others have said, once you have gotten the hang of it, it does what you need it to do, but.... The UI is clunky and not easily navigable. Finding your tax docs is one example. Fingerprint integration is lost randomly, which would be OK if the app would work with a password manager, but it doesn't. Setting up bank accounts for transfers does not work. You need to contact support, and they have you fill out a PDF. How very 90's of you. Why leave a feature if it doesn't work?
I reactivated my account after about 5 years, they wanted to charge me for a new card after it expired. Last time I have an account with them.
Sheena Ghee
I STILL hate this app. It STILL lacks basic password management and recognition, even after enabling biometrics. It just doesn't stick. Previous review:Practically, everytime I log into this app, I have to reset my password -- and the worst part is that once I get the link, it doesn't remember the answers to my security questions. These are answers that never change like dates and it says it's wrong. The app and overall website/application/user interface combo really needs a complete overhaul.
Taylor J Eck
It is NOT a smooth-running, efficient app. Nor is it user-friendly.
Rakkoon Kabuki
I've had to reset my password twice to get in, and STILL, autocomplete and fingerprint verification refuses to work as soon as I close the app, so I guess it's web browser or bust again.
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