Benefits by Admin America

Save time and hassles with Benefits by Admin America.

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 20)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Shows all the transactions that occur on the FSA account
  • Not user friendly
  • Issues with account recognition and accessing credentials
  • Inconvenient to submit receipts and file claims
  • Requires multiple documents despite permissions
Most mentioned
  • App is not user friendly
  • Issues with login credentials and account access
  • Problems with submitting receipts and filing claims
See reviews for Benefits by Admin America on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 3.00
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Rating filters

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36% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Clayton Watts
The App doesn't recognize my username or password
Amber Graham
The most basic features. Not very user friendly. Could use a lot of improvement.
Bill Poindexter
Have switched to a different hsa provider, this one charges a monthly fee
Tammy Hall
Great use of this
Scans can not be accessed only camera and one picture folder. Also, they have been given permission to access medical records to verify expenditures, but still request various documents. Treatment documents that the patient doesn't even get unless they request them after tests or studies come back.
A Google user
Web log in works but same creds won't in app?
A Google user
The app doesnt match info at corporate office. For that reason I lost $450. Went to use my benny card Dec 2017 and was denied. When I called they said my account placed on hold pending receipts from 2016. I had used the card during 2017. Not able to submit receipts before end of year with only 2 weeks notice so I lost my balance. They suck!
A Google user
This app is not user friendly at all. I had to click about 10 buttons before I found where I could submit my receipt.
A Google user
The app is not working today, no explanation or email to explain why!
A Google user
At some point in one of the updates the app lost the ability to file claims for the dependent care account. When I tap file a claim only medical shows. Please fix it.
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