Uptodate Lexidrug

UpToDate Lexidrug (formerly Lexicomp), drug monographs, interactions & more

Total ratings

3.29 (Rating count: 3,515)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides useful and often better information than other apps
  • Has been a reliable resource for many users for years
  • Contains valuable drug information, interactions, and medical calculators
  • Frequent automatic updates that interrupt usage
  • Slower performance after recent updates
  • Difficult navigation and search functionality
  • Inability to access specific categories or sections quickly
  • App crashes and compatibility issues with certain devices
Most mentioned
  • Problems with IV compatibility data requiring constant downloads
  • Frustration with app performance and speed after updates
  • Issues with subscription renewal process
  • Frequent prompts for updates and database selection
  • Dissatisfaction with changes in features and user experience
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.70
All time rating average: 3.29
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Date Author Rating Comment
Carl Uy
The app is helpful, but it's frustrating having to download IV compatibility data every time I open the app. If I have a patient needing multiple IV push meds urgently, I can't afford to stare at the screen before it downloads. Please fix ASAP!
Domenico Grande
Update: While some of the obvious fixes that were needed have been addressed, I'm still forced to download data at least once a day to check IV compatibility. Again, this is very frustrating with bedside care in an emergent situation.
Anthony Rappa
I've been using and paying for this app since it was Lexicomp installed on my Palm Pilot. It used to be great. Searches were faster, I could jump to a specific category (like mech. of action) easily, could change the priority of information categories, and could eliminate databases I didn't need (even though I usually paid for the complete suite). I am not going to renew. It's too slow, too hard to navigate to what I need, and I can't eliminate non-U.S. drugs. I'm very dissatisfied for the $$$.
John Buttram
Latest update has made search function very slow.
Julia Miao
Doesn't show up as an app on my s24 ultra doesn't installing it, reinstalling it etc. Would have to go to app store each and every time to search emra and open from there. Very cumbersome. Clearly has not been updated in a while to be compatible with many Android models and there's no concern regarding its paid users who are on anything but Apple devices . Very disappointing. Please review your feedbacks and work with your developer to improve the app.
Laura Jochim
I've been paying for this app for several years. I rely on it to get me information quickly. Lately it has been absolutely worthless. Clicking on a monograph category from the jump menu does not take you to the desired section, which means you just have to scroll to the section you want. I probably will not renew my subscription.
Useful, often better info than other apps but the functionality of the app has been trash since an update pushed a month ago or so. The jump to content section function does not work anymore. It is time consuming and inconvenient to scroll through all of the sections because monographs are long and not in alphabetical order (can't change that either). Obesity dosing is not prominent enough and rarely mentioned in adult dosing so it's easy to miss. Not even a "obesity dosing recs exist."
It never fails. Go to a trauma, code, or as in the case today -- polytrauma -- and Lexi will choose the absolute worst time to say "trissel IV comparability data required" or other random library required. On p7p, everything updated. App set to update on wifi + data. I have gone back and forth with support numerous times. They assure me the problem has been fixed. It's a fine app when it works, but COMPLETELY UNRELIABLE for professionals that attend codes or traumas. Tired of the excuses.
Cherry Barrios
I used to love this program especially for the 5 min clinic. Now I can barely type in the search bar without the program freezing. The programmers really fudged up a great program. I feel ripped off... UPDATE 1/6/2022: They fixed the issues mentioned. Yet, when I resubscribed for this yr I found they removed some of those useful features & placed it in their expensive "Premium package." I think we should be able to purchase some of those options...
A Yates
App crashes everytime I open it. I installed and reinstalled and it's still crashing. Useless. Edit: apparently I needed to update my mobile access. Nothing in the error message mentioned that. Developers need to make error message more clear. Also never got an email informing me my mobile access was expiring.
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