Universal Home Theatre Remote

More than 100 Plus Home Theatre Brands in one Package.

Total ratings

3.68 (Rating count: 6,461)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Offers functionality for various home theatre systems
  • Effective for basic tasks like power and volume control
  • User-friendly compared to other remote apps
  • Can be useful for people who lost their original remotes
  • Works well with certain models such as Logitech and Philips
  • Many users report that not all functions work for their specific devices
  • Frequent crashing issues after updates
  • Ads are intrusive and negatively affect user experience
  • Some users need to download a third-party app to use it
  • Limited options for certain sound features like 5.1 surround sound
Most mentioned
  • Crashing issues
  • Limited functionality for specific devices
  • Ads negatively impacting user experience
  • Need for additional features like subwoofer and surround sound controls
  • General usability for lost remotes
See reviews for Universal Home Theatre Remote on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 3.68
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Date Author Rating Comment
It's good but it's missing subwoofer option
Mark Fuller
My old logitech home theatre remote broke and now I can use my system again. Thanks very much.
Edwin Rapheal
It's very perfect but I have to improve the app quality
Manish tanna
Good but not all factions
Edwar Nugraha Hermansyah (Abee Edo)
Very helpful, thank you..
rikkil davis
it's a great concept
Dope S
This is all I was looking for ,thank you guys
Khushi Singh
Good and fine working
Tiffany-Amber Brebner
Started out great, now all of a sudden the app crashes every time I click saved remotes so I can no longer use it
Adam amos Chimera
It's working okay just need to be improved on the input option it's not working
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