Bring sets to life with the LEGO® Technic™ CONTROL+ app.

Total ratings

3.85 (Rating count: 16,642)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • App connects well to LEGO models
  • Controls are enjoyable to use once set up properly
  • Good customer service and support for troubleshooting
  • Some users enjoy the challenge and achievements offered by the app
  • Firmware updates help improve functionality
  • App has numerous bugs and crashes frequently
  • Lack of customizable controls and flexibility for different models
  • High storage requirement and app size issues
  • Bluetooth connectivity issues and input delay
  • Frustrating tutorial that cannot be skipped
Most mentioned
  • Connection and compatibility issues with various Android devices
  • Limited functionality for custom models and controls
  • App frequently requires restarts to troubleshoot problems
  • Poor user experience due to lack of error messages and guidance
  • High battery drain while using the app
See reviews for LEGO® TECHNIC™ CONTROL+ on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.85
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Date Author Rating Comment
Lover Boy
This app doesn't work. It connects to my model just fine, it calibrated fine. I can't get past the tutorial "let's learn how to drive your model", I get to the breaks, I push on the breaks, and it doesn't let me move on. The arrow doesn't turn green, and I can't get through the tutorial that I don't need, and can't even skip because there is no skip option. The app doesn't work. Had a great time building my model tho.
Edited Review:- The app connects well to the Porsche GT4 e performance, and is pleasant to manoeuver. My kid enjoys playing with this. I had previously faced an issue with the app 'looping' while trying to connect to hub. I reached out to customer service. They informed that this was fixed with an update. I reinstalled the app and it works seamlessly. Thanks for the support
Using the Porsche gt4 App works fine, but has some bugs such as not being able to complete the tutorial unles you restart the application. In addition it also lacks some features such as being able to connect to a controller and change the lay out of the controls. There is also major input delay most likely because of the use of blue tooth
Arwa Turra
It's an amazing app. However, my son has 2 issues. The app keeps interrupting. After a few seconds of driving, it says low battery. But the car still has battery. Please fix this. It also the app keeps shutting off the lever, and my son keeps having to turn it on again. Side note: Don't stick with the set. Explore and make your own things. Even if it's coded specifically for 1 thing, go out of the box and create! An example- yes and no bot using transformer vehicle
Love this and I'm definitely well past the 11+ category . Connected without issues on a Pixel 3xl, Android 10 and a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10. Looking forward to the R9800 😁 Now got the R9800 but still no way to exit the app unless you kill it from your running app list.
Would have loved to install the powered up app instead but I'm stuck with this incomplete successor because my phone is too new. After so many years of "working" on this new app you can't even give us reversible controls? Why would you even program it for left handed people as default when most people are right handed? It's nice to think of them too but you should do that by having reversible controls. It's not even that hard to implement; give me access to the code and I'll do it myself 😆
Thanks for redponse about my phone compability. Its Huawei Mate S on Android 6.and emui 4.0.1 . Should be compatible. This app worked before bit began to crash. Already reinstalled it with no effect.
Bought the Liebherr R 9800 Excavator (42100) and finished the 1st part until I needed to test it. Doesn't work at all. It recognizes the motors but there's no movement. Tried different app to test each motor and motors are working fine. It's just the app that's not working at all.
Luna Hagemann
I had to uninstall multiple apps to get this 700mb app onto my device. I don't know, how you programmed it, but this is way too huge (if you haven't already implemented it, please just download the firmware updates if you really need them, this is my only explanation why it is so big) Even Controlz, a third party application (probably) with a single person only used 30mb (for the same, +more!, features) And @LEGO more features wouldn't make it smaller you need to reprogramm existing features.
Marvin R
terribly bloated, a remote control app doesn't need almost 2GB of storage for the core app. most of it should be in data downloaded on-demand, so people who have only 1 technic remote control set aren't stuck with data for every other technic RC set.
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