Reviews of Drops: Learn Portuguese

List of user reviews and ratings for Drops: Learn Portuguese

Total ratings

4.33 (Rating count: 9,239)

Review summary

  • Fun and engaging app for learning Portuguese
  • Good for building vocabulary
  • Visually pleasing and well-designed interface
  • Effective for retaining learned words
  • Offers a unique focus on European Portuguese
  • Limited free access time and features
  • Technical issues like crashes and slow performance
  • Inability to search for specific words
  • Repetitive review of words after completing lessons
  • Customer service issues related to payments and subscriptions
Most mentioned
  • Limited learning time for free users
  • App crashes and performance issues
  • Effective for vocabulary building
  • Visual learning aids
  • Focus on European Portuguese
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Drops: Learn Portuguese on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.33
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Rating filters

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33% (8)
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29% (7)
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21% (5)
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1 star
13% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Sodium Raccoon
I really like the main app but the multiplayer kinda sucks cuz you can't choose which sections you'd like to review and have it match you with people that want to review similar sections. Every multiplayer game I play is just reviewing starter pack because I guess that's the common denominator between everyone and it just feels like a big waste of time
The energy doesn't recharge at midnight like it's supposed to, so you need to play dojo to get back the energy you lost yesterday, and you can only do it once. I watched it at midnight, switching from "energy bar refills in less than a minute" to "energy bar refills in 24h" all while remaining empty. It says I used up all my recharges (I did not recharge today). I'm stuck on Word Quest 1 "start learning a topic found in explore", even though I did it a few times.
Strea Aleval
Very fun and engaging app. However, the Dojo feature seems to not be working and crashes the app altogether
Kendra Mello
It's a good app, but it only let's you for 5 minutes a day for free then you have to pay
Timothy Nelms
The picture quiz and chain letters are too easy.
Vashti Braha
completed my first lesson and I already love it. it's upbeat, fun, makes me happy, matches the kind of visual-tactile learner that I am. I can't resist doing a lifetime subscription.
Snir Sigavi
The free version is no longer beneficial after decreasing the available time to learn from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. You can barely progress nor accomplish milestones this way. Note that there are many audio bugs in the app, causing you to stop the lesson, just to restart the audio. The user experience is getting worse.
Louise Allen
Didn't get to try the app. Part of the profile set up requires you to sign up for a free trial of the premium version of the app with no information about what it costs, how to cancel or what you get extra other than an unsubstantiated claim that I will learn more words faster. So I uninstalled the app as there was insufficient information given about the premium product and I would prefer to have the opportunity to try the basic version first.
Ld Silva
Easy to use and find that I'm able to retain the words I've learned. Overall it's a great app for learning European Portuguese. It is fun and 5 minutes a day for the free version is good. I will probably upgrade at some point, but for now I'm learning about 4 new words a day, and I feel this is enough to keep me engaged and not overwhelmed.
Isabel Laurin
I find this app extremely helpful, i use it to help ease the communication between my grandparents and I, or other Portuguese-speaking relatives. As someone who grew up as a second-generation immigrant in a European Portuguese-Canadian household, we didn't speak Portuguese too much growing up. It genuinely does a fantastic job with taking into consideration all aspects of learning a language that is suitable for different types of learners. Great job !
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