Drops: Learn Hindi language

Study devanagari & learn to speak Hindi with this visual language learning app

Total ratings

4.55 (Rating count: 2,882)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Gorgeous layout and interface
  • Fun and engaging learning methods
  • Effective for vocabulary building
  • Allows switching between Roman and Devanagari scripts
  • Spaced repetition system for recall
  • Inconsistent and often incorrect Romanisation
  • Repetitive lessons leading to boredom
  • Pushy premium membership marketing
  • Some words are outdated or misspelled
  • Limited focus on grammar and sentence structure
Most mentioned
  • Romanisation issues
  • Push for premium membership
  • Interface and layout appreciation
  • Fun and engaging learning experience
  • Repetition in lessons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.55
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Date Author Rating Comment
Tyler Reeder
So far so good! Learning has been very smooth. I'll update with progress but so far the best language app I've used. Especially for Hindi!
chellamma R
Such a pathetic app. I was using this for a week and hardly learnt 10 basic words. Quite repetitive and they focus on payments. Go for translate. It works harder than this.
Storm Sith
It is good however the Romanisation (especially for a lot of vowels; some consonants too) is absolutely awful, the only 'accurate' things are the name of the character, lessons are reparative and gets boring over a few days usage. PS This message goes also to the main app but this review is focused on this one.
Raajkumar Sivarasu
A) I just wanted to make sure if the alphabets that are taught are 1)correct and 2)used frequently. I ask this because many of the alphabets seem completely new to me. PS: I have learned Hindi for quite some time now, both academically and otherwise. B) Please check the transliterated English spellings. They seem off.
I don't know why the simple, straight line isn't being used to ground all the other lines, but it isn't, and that's annoying! Similar story with Japanese, the order of writing parts of a character, doesn't make sense, a lot of times. I think, you should just let us get creative, and find our own order of writing. Maybe, that's how natives write it, but, I like to do things differently!
Verena Nelson
The app is really gorgeous, nice layout and interface and I love that you practice drawing the alphabet but I realized quickly after speaking to my Indian boyfriend that it's wrong. From the offset it teaches you non-existent letters and incorrect pronunciations. Bummer, not going to continue with it.
Pierce Tibbals
Fantastic. I feel like I am truly learning. I'm really enjoying it and having lots of fun in the process. Great resource for learning Hindi. And I feel that the learning process is more well-rounded and balanced then say Duolingo - which can go deep dives into random subjects on one hand , but not first teach you the basics to comprehend the simplest things in other forms of grammar or learning just basic words. I really feel like they're building a foundation to understand this language.
Adrianna Losacco-Roy
Honestly, it's great! If I was not broke I would pay for the premium membership. I must say eventhough it is really good it annoys me how pushy they are with the membership. But that is all for business.
Zuleima Guillermo
It's helping me learn way faster than any other app I have install and it's way easier to pronounce the words. Also it gives you the word to read and not just it's original native language. Great app by the way keep it up 👍
Marina Meier
I like this app for learning, but in Hindi some words in romanised translation are wrong and it is makes difficult and most important - incorrect to learn, would be ideal to review that! Thanks
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