Reviews of Learn Spanish

List of user reviews and ratings for Learn Spanish

Total ratings

4.47 (Rating count: 3,336)

Review summary

  • Interactive quizzes after learning to reinforce knowledge
  • User-friendly interface for looking up words and phrases
  • Strong vocabulary base for learning Spanish
  • Clear verbal enunciation for pronunciation
  • Enjoyable and engaging learning process
  • Frequent and intrusive advertisements
  • Issues with the accuracy of voice recognition in the mic feature
  • Lack of example sentences and some vocabulary missing translations
  • Notifications for new words can be excessive
  • Some pronunciation examples are unclear or incorrect
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ads
  • Need for accurate pronunciation
  • Desire for example sentences
  • Positive learning experience
  • Effectiveness of quizzes
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.47
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Date Author Rating Comment
Poppie Vanderbijlpark
I can't say much now as I'm only few days learning but I can assure you I have a few words learnt already. It is becoming an enjoyable learning process. I really like it.
Angie Hanner
At first glance there is a fair amount of common words needed for communication. Tapping to the right of the star, to hear the pronunciations of each word listed is an useful feature.
John Heverin
It is a pretty good app! But on the mic version when it listens to your version of the word or sentence it will come up as wrong as the speech to words doesn't capitalize on the first word so come up as incorrect.
hema pei
Very good app and concise. Can learn the words most important to you in your usage of the language. Exercises will help to reinforce your study area.
Aadita Punita Official
Muchos Bueno 😂😂😂😅.. I learnt a lot from this app and I am a Spanish trainer now I did not take any classes just focused on this app and got to be an expert..... I suggest you to explore it 😉..... Do you know am kidding...😂😂😂😂😂😂 I am kidding but still I suggest you all to atleast try once it's best, I practice by the quizzes....... Who hoo cool app 😎😎.... Please reply me back....
Richard Jerabek
Many duplicate or triplicate words in the same list and different lists. Some words are missing example sentences, and even sound. Some sentences are voiced too fast to be able to be understood. Did anyone proofread the lists before the app was released? Some of the pronunciation is questionable. For example, for the word "triste", it sounds like the letter e is not pronounced. There was another word where the letter "r" was mispronounced, it did not sound like an "r".
Felicity Uju
I'm having a wonderful experience so far. I love how I'm able to take a quiz right after learning, to put into practice what I've learnt and how it's free.... This is such a great app. I love it. Keep up the good work.
Rama Rima
You're wonderful!! The best apps for learning languages!! I highly recommend them!! Thank you so much for your help and creativity. I'm speechless and grateful
Ekshit Upadhyay
This app is great. I always want to learn Spanish language. But i didn't found any helpful application like this. This app makes the bridge between beginners to the expert. I have download many app, but this app is fantastic. But the only problem with this app is there are too many arvertisment. I think you should working on this problem . Thank you🙏💕
A Google user
I'm sure this is s fine app, but autoplaying ads with audio are a dealbreaker. Especially when they come on before I've even tried the app out. I don't know if this app is worth during through the ads, and now I will never find out.
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