Lalatoon - Comics & Webtoon

Explore premium color comics on our Lalatoon app.

Total ratings

3.51 (Rating count: 1,125)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics and comic quality
  • Wide variety of comics to choose from
  • Excellent translation and sound effects
  • Expensive to unlock chapters; no free options
  • App instability with frequent crashes and slow loading times
  • Login issues and loss of purchased content
Most mentioned
  • High cost of chapters or coins
  • App performance issues (lag, crashes, loading problems)
  • Lack of free content and ads for unlocking chapters
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.51
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jennylyn Emilio
I would've liked it more if I didn't have to pay for chapters. It's annoying and expensive, pre-teens are on the app too
Chris Aiponro
The graphics are good and all. . . But I don't like to spend money on chaps just to unlock it. It would be good if you use ads to unlocks chaps preferably to those who don't have enough money just so they could read it. Or you could use daily check-ins for them to earn coins. It's very good overall, though, not all the manga/manhua/manhwa are there.
kai zen
Tap response is extremely laggy and at other times it doesn't work at all, for example: I keep tapping on a webtoon to open it but no matter how many times I do it, it won't open.
Ramandeep Kaur
Worst app till now from when I start to read comics online every time I open the app it stuck and whenever I choose any option it stuck and me no response if I have a choice then will give this app zero star
This app is easy to use and everything is good there are good comics and everything.But this app does not give you free points to your comic your reading.The app is mostly paying for each page episode of the comic.And for me I dont wanna drain my money but if this app is for you then good for you..👁👄👁
Esha And Skyler
The translation (+SFX) is really excellent, however names translation is the poorest of all. Really liked the app but please fix your name translation, if possible.
Mi Mi
At first there was no response when I clicked anywhere. So deleted the app and downloaded again. Now everything loads very slow after clicking :/
Janna Galamgam
Is it just me or the app keeps loading like there's a circulating circle laoding in the middle and when i try to browse through the comics whether it's tap to the section and scrolling through it it will go reset or go to the top as if it's keep refreshing without any reason it's annoying :/
Envy Cornella
I recently changed my mobile phone. but when login to my acc with my new phone, all my coins and purchased eps are lost. I have subscribed and buy coins several times. but now my purchase history and my coin usage history also gone including all the remaining of my coins. and i have purchased the silent concubine up until ep 92 and now its all gone. I have to repurchase to re-read my purchased eps? and now i have purchase coins again to continue reading? please fix this!
Chanice Baines
Comics are good, when they actually load. Otherwise don't waste your money on staring at a blank screen
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