Myselfland Emotional Self-Help

Support mental health, balance emotions & anxiety with CBT, ACT, mind-body tools

Total ratings

4.08 (Rating count: 23)
See reviews for Myselfland Emotional Self-Help on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.57
All time rating average: 4.08

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29% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
LeAnn DeMars
I like it but you talk to the AI it asks so many questions non stop got to overwhelmed..... Edited..... But it's good for the free stuff!!
Lily Phillips
Way too many pay walls
omolayo soremekun
Data issues not secure
Shunai F
This was cool
Leticia Ajibade
I truly love this app. It soothes and relaxes me each time I use it. Every time I feel intense and negative emotions, I use this app, and I find the relief I need. It's calming, soothing, and relaxing. I highly recommend this app whenever you're feeling intense emotions ❤️
Lit Lebowski
Love the voices and exercises!
Joseph Jean Baptiste Jolicoeur
Interesting and promising. Keep it up!