날짜 계산 모음

Provides date difference (how many days later, difference between two dates), D-day calculation, age (age/months), solar calendar <-> lunar calendar, lunar calendar (three blessings, leap months, anniversaries, substitute holidays, etc.)
날짜 계산 모음 is a powerful Android app designed to help users calculate date differences, D-days, ages, and anniversaries. It features a solar/lunar calendar converter, details on zodiac signs, phases of the moon, and national holidays. Additionally, it provides tools for tracking fertility and menstruation dates, making it a comprehensive resource for all date-related needs. With a user-friendly interface and landscape mode support, organizing your important dates has never been easier.
Downloads: 52,378
Version: (Last updated: 2025-01-10)
Full description: See detailed description
Updated: 18 hours ago


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