Learn : Game Development

Familiarize yourself with the tools and practices of game development

Total ratings

3.00 (Rating count: 177)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great for beginners learning game development
  • Contains a lot of useful information on game design
  • Offers guidance for both 2D and 3D game development
  • Easy to understand and engaging content
  • App freezes and has performance issues
  • Limited depth of actual coding information
  • Misleading content with excessive recommendations
  • Poor graphics and user interface
Most mentioned
  • Useful for beginners
  • Information on game development
  • App performance issues
  • Misleading user expectations
See reviews for Learn : Game Development on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.00
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Rating filters

5 star
73% (16)
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5% (1)
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5% (1)
2 star
1 star
18% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Nahas Nahas kan
Thanks to whoever made this because I've learned so many things from this app
Alisha Mayle
I hate this game is not letting me make games
Henrietta Mensah
Terrible graphics. The app keeps freezing and there is nothing much about actual coding. I would have given it half a star if it were possible
Pralay Biswas
It's very nice app.
Nana Yaa
Great app with good explanation and easy to learn, but it takes much time to load.Pls work on that.
Saint Stanley
i rate this app 5 (five) star because i think it will help young game developer to get not only hint on how to make or develop a game but to give them extreme examples and steps on how to make a game. Even if there's no try it yourself editor it still perfect and i expect young developers yo download this app right away.
Roma Shul
Its really good for just starting out, but not for really advanced stuff
Muskaan Singh
It contains a lot of information and is a great app to learn game development
A Google user
This app is horrible and misleading. I thought I was going to get a learning app, but NOO, they had to blast me with recommendations. This mislead me.
A Google user
This app is helping for guidance of 2D and 3D Game development. This app provide a info of Game Design and Guide to the Game Development. Interested students are used to this app and make a future of gaming.
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