Reviews of PayTix

List of user reviews and ratings for PayTix

Total ratings

2.44 (Rating count: 171)

Review summary

  • It shows payment confirmation after a successful transaction.
  • Works as described in some instances without major issues.
  • Provides a method to pay tickets electronically.
  • Frequent crashing and instability, especially when switching between tickets.
  • Issues with scanning tickets and permissions related to the camera.
  • Inconsistent payment processing, with reports of double charges and undisclosed fees.
Most mentioned
  • The app frequently crashes or does not function properly.
  • Multiple users experienced issues with payment processing and confirmations.
  • Users express frustration over convenience fees not being disclosed upfront.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.10
All time rating average: 2.44
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75% (18)
Date Author Rating Comment
Spencer Toll
Doesn't work properly. Won't let you scan
James Mucci
Doesn't even work properly. The horribly programmed app won't even let you scan tickets because it thinks your phone didn't give it permission to access the camera yet if you check the settings it has permission.
Cameisha Robinson
Asking for permission to take pictures even though it has permission. Still not working. Trash app
Samuel Fitzsimmons
How in the world does it not have a feature to search your parking ticket by license plates?
Rebecca Themelis
They don't disclose the convenience fee until the end. Scan feature does not function properly.
Adriana Garcia
It keeps giving me an error that payment wasn't successful or ticket already paid multiple times. Then, I went on the website and of course I was able to pay. Garbage app
Mystic Marlow
I Paid a parking ticket through this app, then I got a notice for Delinquent parking violation from parking violations burea, paytix is a scam you can't get a hold of anyone, they took my credit card information and now I am worried they might try to steal more of my money.
Nexus Pearce
Crash a lot. Especially in the ticket list. Once you gl to one ticket, and want to switch to another one (or once you pay one), app crash immediately. and then, impossible to get to the list anymore. it either doesn't let you, or crash again. Need a lot of improvement. Doesn't let you use your Google wallet where your card are stored (so you have to get tout physical card to input the number). need a lots of work. Cheaply made.
Andrey Yuzvik
Does not even open. They insist on people using the app but it just crashes every time you attempt to open it.
Renato Mancuso
There is indication in the app that you have paid a ticket. Also charging a fee on top of the ticket? Really? Bunch of thieves.
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