Reviews of Indigo Kids - Development App

List of user reviews and ratings for Indigo Kids - Development App

Total ratings

3.78 (Rating count: 160)
See reviews for Indigo Kids - Development App on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.33
All time rating average: 3.78

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Date Author Rating Comment
Indi Rapsey
App only displays logo, nothing else.
Kalai Kalai
Anna Renee
This app is completely uselss! You can only use one section! The other two, you have to pay to use. And it doesn't change gender in their text according to what you input for your child's gender. 🤦‍♀️
Ettina Kitten
Told me that my unborn baby isn't under 5 years. Also requires you to select boy or girl for baby's sex, even though real life has more options than that.
Bogdan Miroslav
это приложение помогло мне развить навыки моего ребенка, оно дает распорядок дня о том, как занять вашего ребенка различными интересными работами, в нем также есть игры, советы, подсказки и статьи для детей.
Ashek Mahmud
Это действительно интересное приложение. так очень приятно. Я люблю это, мне это нравится. Я предлагаю это всем. мое любимое приложение. спасибо за разработку ❤️
Kimberley Buchanan
Everything I need! Has explanations for every activity at my baby's developmental stage.
Navine - Notes on the Ravine of Life
Didnt get a chance to try...I have twins and without upgrading to subscription i cant track my kids... So ive signed in given you my details for nothing ...just to have to uninstall not impressed. You should be able to track more than one kid if they have the same birthday at least! why should i pay more just because i had more children in one go. Rant over uninstalling!!
Nadya Fedoseeva
Great! Easy to use