ToDo List - To Do task lists

Simple and easy task lists app

Total ratings

4.32 (Rating count: 626)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and clean interface
  • No ads and requires no permissions
  • Good practical tool for task management
  • Difficulty in finding and managing tasks (like creating or deleting lists)
  • Accidental deletion of tasks or lists
  • Lack of clear instructions within the app
Most mentioned
  • Ease of use and simplicity
  • Attractive UI
  • Need for improved functionality (like merging lists or managing tasks more effectively)
See reviews for ToDo List - To Do task lists on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.32
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Rating filters

5 star
62% (13)
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14% (3)
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5% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Keith Cooper
Using this app more & more. Really good & easy to use. It would be useful if one could merge two (2) lists together or copy/move between lists as well.
Ramir Boñon
Nice App.. Simplicity is the Best
Stuart Terrey
Love it, simple and clean.
Osman Salama
simple and nice, love it
BiteMe Googal
It's evident how to create lists but not how to create to-do's or how to delete lists (I e. Duplicate lists.
Very good application
I'll give this a fair trial, but very nearly rejected it within moments. First impressions poor (despite an attractive, clean UI) because buttons do the opposite of what you expect (I thought I was adding tasks, found I'd added lists.. Within a list the + button is small, faint, difficult to find - and doesn't work until AFTER typing the task, which goes into a field that's even more difficult to find, almost invisible. The explanation given here needs to be somewhere in-app! Or tooltips, even.
VanessaJean Flores
marvin williams
Great help to get things done
Marie Enokson
it's fair to Midland . decent. I'd like to see some improvements but not sure what yet. good so far.
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