Simple Calendar - easy planner

Time planner & shared calendar! Make a to do list, work schedule & study planner

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 69,007)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface with a clean design
  • Offers multiple customization options for colors and reminders
  • Ability to track appointments and meetings efficiently
  • Allows integration with Google Calendar while maintaining some level of independence
  • Minimal intrusive ads in the free version
  • Requires access to phone's personal calendar, limiting usability for standalone calendar needs
  • Frequent bugs and issues after updates leading to performance problems
  • Notifications options often grayed out or disabled, rendering them unusable for many users
  • Sync issues with events not updating properly from connected calendars
  • Limitations on color coding for events, leading to user dissatisfaction
Most mentioned
  • App requires access to personal calendars, leading to frustration for users wanting a standalone option
  • Issues with notifications being disabled or not functioning properly
  • Sync problems between calendars, causing delays in updates or missing events
  • Bugs introduced in updates causing crashes or slow performance
  • Customization options for event colors are lacking compared to other apps
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.75
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26% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Riley Carlson
I downloaded this to have 2 separate calendar apps, but the app doesn't work unless you connect it to your phones calendar, and it automatically moves all events over
Ines Lahti
had to uninstall it because i wanted a stand-alone calendar, and this required access to my own calendar.. couldn't use the app without it.
Ken Morris
I am enjoying this calendar. It allows me to track my appointments and meetings better than most. It isn't connected with any other calendars and deserves bonus points. It has eliminated getting 2 alarms from 2 calendars for the d same appointment. Now, my personal information is mine.
Cauldron Cackles
Demands access to your phone's personal calendar and will not work at all until you give it access. This means it's a data miner app. Remove all permissions and remove from your phone. Report to Google.
Mark Lyons
Wow, lots of options, customizations, features, and also syncs with Google and other calendars. Minimal ads.
J Yung
Better than Google Calendar, but removing ads is too expensive. Also, would prefer holidays to be by province, not country! Will edit review, if changes made.
Yesha M
Requires syncing with phone calendar. Therefore it's not simple since it messes everything else up.
Ayah Boyer
I like it, I'm tired of a loop that's stuck in Google calendar and this app gets me away from that while still keeping up with my Google calendar without the nonsense. I just wish I could delete a calendar.
I was using another calendar which had a clean interface until, unexpectedly, they started charging weekly. Decided to try this one, and although I wasn't thrilled with the ad banner at the bottom, it doesn't bother me at all now. Great choice of colours, very user friendly and hey..... no cost.
Candi M
All I wanted was a simple calendar........just show me the month & days - And that's what this app gives me - No pop-up schedule suggestions or messages - Just an easy to view calendar - Good work! - And thanks - C
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