JIDE | JS Console & Inspect El

HTML inspect element, live Js console with debugger. First time in PlayStore!

Total ratings

3.59 (Rating count: 313)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Makes debugging easy.
  • Useful interface for JavaScript console tasks.
  • Great for fixing issues with web pages, particularly related to mobile vs. desktop rendering.
  • Experiences slow performance and stability issues.
  • Ads are intrusive and disrupt the user experience.
  • App reloading pages unexpectedly, especially when locking the phone or changing orientation.
Most mentioned
  • Slow and glitchy performance.
  • Intrusive ads.
  • App reloads pages frequently.
See reviews for JIDE | JS Console & Inspect El on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.59
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45% (9)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Stephen John Miszczyk (pᷛs͚ͦyͩ3͔6͓7͕)
Surprisingly good. Web browsing with a JavaScript console.
Matthew Graham
Great app! EDIT: Still give it 5 stars, but it doesn't handle sites with lots of media or text. It doesn't give an error but I personally believe it's because my phone is 64-bit and the app is 32-bit.
I give it four stars there was a little problem Every time if i lock my phone the page is reloading so is it okay for that? And its good aswome and i want it to remove ads
Uğur Ekbiç
Console'da js çalışmıyor. Yes it's not working when hit "run". Only appearing ads.
RetroVision Songs
Can you get rid of the loading box then turn it into loading bar please
TSS Jaemz
App doesn't even work. "Location doesn't exist". Cool.
Brian Munns
Sketchy dateing Ad playing caused to crash... For me that seems like possible security concern. Had lots crazy console output that totally drown out any output I was looking for. Just seemed unstable trying to access local host, node, webpack etc... Uninstalling for those reasons but would gladly pay if issues could be resolved and maybe not ask for my microphone right up front.
Nice app Loved it Can you please add option to create a new tab please i will rate it 5 star plus i will tell my friends to rate it good.please devloper
Vijay Fans Network
Unable to open twitter and its closing automatically when i attempt to open twitter
Jake M
I've been a fan of this app, since it came out. The interface now is much like the versions from the past. Great job with the cleaner overall look. Do take these advices constructively to improve the app. 1. Save Preferred Settings on app restart. Like the default rendering of pages is in mobile mode. Hope the previous settings checked(like desktop mode sticks through the next usage). 2. Changing between Landscape and portrait view, restarts a page. It will be better if wouldn't reload the page.
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