Viewer for MS Access ACCDB-MDB

View MS Access Database file (ACCDB - MDB - DB)Open Table Paging Filtering Sort

Total ratings

3.68 (Rating count: 2,643)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Ability to view MS Access databases on Android
  • User-friendly for basic viewing of database records
  • Works well for simple table viewing
  • Has filtering options and sorting functions
  • Excellent customer support and regular updates by the developer
  • Recent updates have caused issues with opening databases
  • Problems with keeping data updated from cloud storage services
  • Lack of editing capabilities and advanced features such as forms and queries
  • Requires excessive permissions to function properly
  • Interface and filtering options are not user-friendly
Most mentioned
  • Issues with the new filter and data access
  • Problems after recent updates
  • Desire for editing capabilities
  • Need for an update button for databases
  • Complaints about ads and lack of ad-free options
See reviews for Viewer for MS Access ACCDB-MDB on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.68
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Rating filters

5 star
38% (9)
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29% (7)
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8% (2)
2 star
1 star
25% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Josiane Khoury
The new filter is verry bad Impractical and not useful
vinay prajapathi
This new filter type is horrible .. it's completely useless. The previous one was simple and easy . And the operator option (like , not like , contains , start with , end with ) is not helpful , like should be default ( contains is not working properly)
David Wheelock
I've used this for years, and it's been great. Since the last update, it's been worthless. It can't open my database anymore. All it will say is that my database needs to be compacted and repaired. I compacted and repaired, but it still won't open it. It's worthless now. Can you fix it?
Archana Yadav
Very very very poor
Barry Gabel
The app works well BUT there is a problem with keeping the data up to date. In order to import an updated database from onedrive you have to clear the data in settings/apps/access ms db viewer/stotage and then reimport the database. It would simplify the process if an, [Update] button was added next to each database on the 'start page' which did the above automatically.
Ehab Ahmad
Error in writing the Arabic language when searching from right to left, the writing is reversed
Deborah Fishburn
Used to be decent, but a recent (it's now Sept 2024) update requires the user to give the ap. permission to access ALL files on the device. Am now looking for a replacement so I can uninstall.
Oldies Alternative
I've been using this app for a while now and have just noticed that it is only able to view the first 205 entries out of a current 430. I'm not sure if this always been a problem or if I only recently noticed it. Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: Problem fixed. It was not an app fault but a problem with Dropbox. Not sure why but after saving database in a different folder it worked properly.
Roy V
After latest update, can't open files from Google drive in mobile
Adeleke Adesemowo
Nice application software, relief the problem of difficulty in opening acess on android phone. But lot of improvement needed as to run and manipulate access just like on personal computer
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