Math Master

The ultimate puzzle game for number lovers!

Total ratings

4.82 (Rating count: 10,916)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Educational and entertaining
  • Good for brain exercise
  • Offers a fun and challenging experience
  • Smooth UI and thoughtful design
  • Helps improve mathematical skills, especially for children
  • Too many ads, particularly after each level
  • Long ads that disrupt gameplay
  • Difficulty level is perceived as low even on hard settings
  • Some users feel they spend more time watching ads than playing the game
Most mentioned
  • High frequency of ads
  • Educational value of the game
  • Fun and engaging gameplay
  • Challenging mental exercises
  • Appealing design and usability
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.82
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5 star
64% (39)
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10% (6)
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15% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
So far pretty good, but still in the first stages. I think I would give an honest review when I reach the harder rounds
Great game, but the constant ads after each round are a turn off.
Dauda Ahmadu
This is the best app to teach yourself math.... That's why gave your app 4stars...🙏 🙏 Thank you for the offer.
Rutvik Vaze
Amazing Game. Smooth UI and thoughtful design . Thank You
Pedro Antinolfi
Its fun, but too many ads, 1 ad per level completed? 1 ad per 5 levels completed would be great and more fair
Madamedon Etsebanrangho Tony
This game is very good for all, it helps to revive the brain on calculations and arithmetics, especially for young ones coming up in school. It's very good
Ishan Samanta
Great game. But there is ads both before and after each and every level.
Frank Rocha
Pretty fun and challenging. I'm afraid it's too addicting. Give it a try.
Ignacio Sampedro Delgado
For the speed at which one does solve the puzzles, you should have and ad like for every 2 or 3 puzzles. Instead, you have every time you solve one. I spending more time seeing ads than solving puzzles
Karthik Kiran
Nice and best game. It good gaming platform. It is use full for beginners of maths learning people. By playing this game we can improve yours maths simple puzzle skill's. Here we have small issue the issue is ads. Try this game guys 👍😄.
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