Keep Health

This app can be used as a companion app for smartwatches.

Total ratings

3.07 (Rating count: 2,315)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface for connecting devices
  • Functionality is useful for basic fitness tracking
  • Good price for entry-level fitness watch
  • Allows for receiving calls and messages
  • Connectivity issues with Bluetooth and devices
  • Inaccurate tracking for steps, calories, and sleep
  • Frequent app crashes and glitches
  • Poor integration with Google Fit
  • Limited customization options for watch faces
Most mentioned
  • Bluetooth connectivity issues
  • Data accuracy concerns
  • App crashes and glitches
  • Inability to sync with Google Fit
  • Poor battery performance on phone and watch
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.07
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31% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Terri Alford
After the latest update the app won't even let me scan for my device. I've un-installed and reinstalled the app, checked Bluetooth and app permissions. When I try to add a device, the app doesn't even scan. A window saying it can't detect any devices pops up and locks me out of the app. I have to close and restart the app to back out of that window. I even bought 2 new watches thinking mine was bad, but it connects to my sons phone just fine. I am running the newest version of the app.
Javier Acosta (Javier)
I find the application useful. My gripe is with the connections and sharing of data with google Fit. I would like this application to write to google Fit, but it doesn't! Rather than me having to manually enter the data into Fit, it would be a lot more useful if the data from the wrist tracker would write directly. I will have to return the tracker since it creates more work for me than is worth it.
Chacko Neroth
Overall a good app. I am using it with Q32A-FD03 smart watch from AliExpress. It would be nice if everybody giving comments here. Also say which brand model of watch they are using it with. Will give 5 stars if fixed: 1. On add contacts, a Chinese language pop-up and cannot get around this. 2. There is no manual way to individually add contact by typing in the number and name. 3. After taking a call, cannot get back to the screen to hang up. 4. REM sleep not separated out from light sleep.
Nicole Batts-Keane
I paid less for my last watch and this doesn't even come close. It's impossible to do or select anything through the watch itself and I can't clearly see any of the under 12 watchface options. I tried creating one with the app and it only offers 1 template. The language and expressions on the app are similar to a 4 or 5 year old and I've linked to fit however fit doesn't reflect anything on the watch. It was a sale price so I tried. Returning it. Waste of resources. My phone in pocket is better
Kathy Anderson
UPDATE 10: I first purchased this fitness watch in April followed by another one. There were major issues so I tried other brands. None worked properly or were accurate. I noticed that there was a new app update so I ordered another watch from Amazon. All of the prior issues with the watch and the app were resolved. I have switched my rating to five stars. Thank you to the developers. I love watch and app.
Sue Brotherton
Drained my phone battery running in the background. I have a brand new Pixel 9 Pro, and the battery life was significantly, negatively impacted by this app running in the background. It's also not a very good app, hard to find things in the settings, and overall rather primitive. Too bad, because I liked the watch well enough, but not at the expense of my phone's battery life.
Lucía MacNicol
For the price of the watch it works pretty well. Not the most accurate, but I've never used a fitness watch before. The accuracy of steps, exercises, and sleep can be improved. Other improvements I would like to see... 1. an ability to make notes on events. (Ex. When tracking your heart rate, if it spikes, you can add a note on the tracker as to why it spiked. This is important for when the watch fails to take accurate measures.) 2. A calendar for notes. Track symptoms, activities, etc....
Miss Mallory
WARNING!! Check out all the permissions this app has. Plus, there is no way to remove them. Most of the permissions are hidden so they can sneak into your phone and get your inforo, I'm assuming. It has the ability to change other apps, access everything, whether necessary or not, and permission to share all the info from all the apps on your phone to the network. Uninstall before you get hacked!!!
Jody Drummond
This morning after the time change my watch had the wrong time. Opened the ap to see if I could get into the settings and fix it. Ap kept crashing. A message came up and said there was a bug would I like to clear the cache. Did that. Still crashes. Got a message again about a bug and to reinstall the ap after the next update. Has there even ever been an update? Is there going to be? Ap is glitchy anyway. Watch was cheap. Might just replace the watch and get a different ap.
Justin Nimesheim
the app only stays synced to the watch for maybe 2 hours, then I have to reopen the app on my phone and re-sync the app to watch. and the app where I can customize my watch background, you have limited plan templates after making my own background my app and watch dont stay connected any longer than 30 minutes and I dont get my phone notifications. is that a better understanding. oh and your step counter dont work correctly at all. your blood pressure is wrong as well,
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