
Meet your desired tee time in one place with Kakao Golf Reservation!

카카오골프예약 - Tee Time Reservations Simplified

카카오골프예약 is an Android app that consolidates golf tee time reservations, featuring an intuitive home screen, a reservation manager, exclusive discounts, and on-the-day services like mobile check-in. Users can easily discover tailored tee times, manage reservations, and receive notifications about openings and exclusive offers, making it a must-have for golf enthusiasts.
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App stats

Downloads: 2,361,850
Version: (Last updated: 2025-03-12)
Full description: See detailed description


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User reviews

골프연결 할 수 없습니다라고나오고 진입이 안됩니다.왜그럴까요.
by 문지훈, 2020-10-29

쓰레기 앱 바로 삭제
by A Google user, 2019-06-23
View all user reviews

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