KS StateBank Mobile

KS StateBank Mobile Banking by KS StateBank allows you to bank on the go

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4.20 (Rating count: 57)
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Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.20
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Date Author Rating Comment
Bryan Sanford
Would like ks to match online cd rates
Charles Blacksmith
damion shibler
Great experience all around
Ed Swain (egs3)
Works great except on my s20. No way to give permissions requested.
Alfred Buckman
Download:. There are two pictures on the download screen. They are different one has radio dial for Apple the other does not. Cannot use fingerprint with the Android version
John Gaver
Love it
S Google
Horrible bank. Attempted to open CDs, needed to approve funding transfer and they deleted my application, said need to complete the [arduous] application process again. Nope. Moving on.
Mike Ruckert
When taking pictures for mobile deposit, the app will play a very loud camera shutter sound from the phone speaker even if the all phone volumes are turned completely off, Do Not Disturb mode is on, and I'm using Bluetooth headphones. The app ignores all that and plays the sound from the speakerphone. Other than that and the lack-luster UI the app works fine.
A Google user
A Google user
only thing i cc'd an do on this app is view my account, transfers are unavailable and when I try the transfer tab it kicks me out of the app
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